Article 212-167-1 of the French Sports Code
Validation of experience is carried out by the jury defined in article A. 212-113.
Validation of experience is carried out by the jury defined in article A. 212-113.
The application file is composed as follows: -a first part relating to the admissibility of the application (or admissibility booklet); -an explanatory note accompanying the admissibility booklet; -a second part relating to the description and analysis of the activities carried out by the candidate; -a methodological guide. Candidates complete and submit the first part of their application, together with supporting documents attesting to the duration and nature of their experience,…
Candidates whose applications are declared admissible, in accordance with the provisions of article A. 212-114-2, must submit their complete application (first and second parts) to the selection board for the diploma requested. They must enclose the following documents with their application: a copy of the census certificate and the individual certificate of participation in the call to prepare for defence for French people under the age of twenty-five; -the “level…
Certain skills relating to particular safety conditions, both for participants and for third parties, in the exercise of activities in a specific environment, as defined in article R. 212-7, may be excluded from the validation of acquired experience or be subject to special restrictions. The procedures for exclusion from validation of prior experience and for certification of these skills are set out in the decree creating the diploma option.
The jury proposes that the tests be validated to the Regional Director for Youth, Sport and the Voluntary Sector, who will notify the candidate of his decision.
General training common to the teaching, supervision and training professions in mountain sports is organised in accordance with the procedures defined by this code.
General training common to the teaching, supervision and training professions in mountain sports is provided by the National Mountain Sports School. The National Mountain Sports School may delegate the organisation of common general training for teaching, supervision and training in mountain sports to an establishment or another training body with an agreement to this effect, after receiving the opinion of the permanent sections for alpine skiing, cross-country skiing and mountaineering…
Candidates aged seventeen or over on the date of entry to the common general training course for teaching, supervision and training in mountain sports may enrol. The enrolment file, the composition of which is set out in appendix II-20, must be submitted to the Ecole nationale des sports de montagne at least two months before the date of enrolment and must include: 1° A certificate of successful completion of the…
The training course, which lasts a minimum of thirty-five hours, is structured around the following five themes: 1° Theme 1: regulatory framework for teaching, supervising and training in mountain sports; 2° Theme 2: approach to the economic and tourist activity of mountain sports; 3° Theme 3: knowledge of the natural mountain environment; 4° Theme 4: welcoming different publics, including schoolchildren, to mountain environments; 5° Theme 5: exercise physiology adapted to…
The general training common to the teaching, supervision and training professions in mountain sports is assessed by means of a three-hour written test, covering all the subjects covered during the training, as mentioned in article A. 212-71 (marked out of 20).
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