Article R6312-48 of the French Public Health Code
Approved civil protection associations use first aid vehicles, known as “VPSPs”, the minimum standards for which are set by order of the Minister for the Interior.
Approved civil protection associations use first aid vehicles, known as “VPSPs”, the minimum standards for which are set by order of the Minister for the Interior.
In each department, a committee for urgent medical aid, permanent care and medical transport ensures the quality of the distribution of urgent medical aid, the organisation of permanent care and its adjustment to the needs of the population in compliance with the regional specifications defined in article R. 6315-6. It ensures the cooperation of natural and legal persons involved in emergency medical aid, the permanent care service and medical transport.
The Comité Départemental de l’Aide Médicale Urgente, de la Permanence des Soins et des Transports Sanitaires, co-chaired by the Prefect or his representative and the Director General of the Regional Health Agency or his representative, is made up of : 1° Representatives of local and regional authorities: a) A departmental councillor appointed by the departmental council or, in Corsica, an executive councillor appointed by the president of the executive council;…
I. – Representatives of local and regional authorities are appointed for the duration of their elected term of office. The other members of the committee are appointed for a term of three years. II. – The secretariat of the Committee is provided by the Regional Health Agency. The Committee shall draw up its own rules of procedure.
The committee shall set up a medical sub-committee and a medical transport sub-committee. It is convened at least once a year by its chairmen or at the request of at least half of its members.
The medical sub-committee, made up of all the doctors mentioned in 2° and 3° of article R. 6313-1-1, co-chaired by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency or his representative and the Prefect or his representative, meets at the initiative of the latter or at the request of at least half of its members, and at least once a year. The Director General of the Regional Health Agency and…
The medical transport sub-committee, co-chaired by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency or his representative and the Prefect or his representative, is made up of the following members of the departmental committee: 1° The doctor in charge of the emergency medical assistance service ; 2° The departmental director of the fire and rescue service; 3° The departmental chief medical officer of the fire and rescue service; 4° The…
The sub-committee shall give its opinion prior to the withdrawal by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency of the authorisation required for medical transport referred to in article L. 6312-2. This opinion is given in the light of the report by the doctor appointed by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency and the observations of the person concerned. Any problem relating to medical transport may be…
In an emergency, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency may suspend accreditation without prior opinion from the sub-committee.
The company whose approval has been suspended may submit written or oral observations. On receipt of these observations, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency has fifteen clear days in which to terminate the suspension or to convene the sub-committee in order to obtain an opinion prior to the temporary or definitive withdrawal of authorisation. The sub-committee is then convened no later than one month after receipt of the…
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