Article R4412-31 of the French Labour Code
Measurements and technical checks carried out in application of this paragraph must comply with the procedures and methods laid down in application of Article R. 4412-151.
Measurements and technical checks carried out in application of this paragraph must comply with the procedures and methods laid down in application of Article R. 4412-151.
When informed by the occupational physician that a biological limit value for a chemical agent hazardous to health has been exceeded, under the conditions laid down in Article R. 4412-51-1, the employer : 1° Carry out a risk assessment in accordance with subsection 2 ; 2° Implements the preventive measures and means provided for in articles R. 4412-11, R. 4412-15 and R. 4412-16.
Alarm systems and other communication systems are installed to allow, in the event of an accident, incident or emergency due to the presence of dangerous chemical agents in the workplace: 1° An appropriate reaction; 2° The immediate implementation, where necessary, of the measures required; 3° The initiation of rescue, evacuation and salvage operations. The measures to be implemented, in particular the rules for evacuating workers, are defined in advance in…
Where hazardous chemical agents are present in the workplace, appropriate first aid facilities are provided. Appropriate safety drills are organised at regular intervals.
When an accident, incident or emergency occurs, the employer shall take immediate steps to mitigate its effects and inform the workers. The employer shall implement appropriate measures to remedy the situation as quickly as possible and to restore a normal situation.
Only those workers required to carry out repairs or other work necessary to restore the situation are authorised to work in the affected area. They must have appropriate personal protective equipment, which they must use for the duration of their work. In any event, workers’ exposure cannot be permanent and must be limited to what is strictly necessary. Unprotected persons are not allowed to remain in the affected area.
The employer shall ensure that information on emergency measures relating to hazardous chemical agents is available, in particular to the internal or external emergency services responsible for dealing with accidents or incidents. This information includes: 1° A prior mention of the hazards of the activity, the measures for identifying the hazard, the relevant precautions and procedures so that the emergency services can prepare their own response procedures and precautionary measures;…
The employer shall ensure that workers and the social and economic committee : 1° Receive information in appropriate and periodically updated form on the hazardous chemical agents present in the workplace, such as their names, the health and safety risks they entail and, where applicable, the occupational exposure limit values and biological limit values applicable to them; 2° Have access to the safety data sheets provided by the supplier of…
The employer shall draw up a notice, known as a workstation notice, for each workstation or work situation exposing workers to hazardous chemical agents. These instructions, updated as necessary, are intended to inform workers of the risks to which their work may expose them and of the measures taken to avoid them. The notice sets out the applicable hygiene rules and, where applicable, instructions for the use of collective or…
The label or inscription on any receptacle, bag or wrapper containing hazardous substances or mixtures shall indicate the name of the substance or substances contained therein and the hazards of their use.
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