Article R1424-40 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
Fire and rescue centres are placed under the authority of a centre chief appointed in accordance with the provisions of article R. 1424-21.
Fire and rescue centres are placed under the authority of a centre chief appointed in accordance with the provisions of article R. 1424-21.
A fire and rescue centre is said to be mixed when it includes both professional firefighters and volunteer firefighters. A mixed centre is commanded by a professional firefighter when it includes at least eight professional firefighters and by a professional fire officer when its total strength exceeds thirty firefighters, including eight professional firefighters.
The operational regulations referred to in article L. 1424-4 are drawn up by the prefect, following the opinion of the departmental territorial social committee, the administrative and technical commission of the fire and rescue services and the board of directors. The operational regulations take into consideration the departmental risk analysis and coverage plan and the provisions of the national reference guides mentioned in article R. 1424-52. These regulations lay down…
Rescue operations command, exercised under the authority of the prefect or mayor acting within their respective police powers, is provided by a professional or volunteer firefighter, officer, non-commissioned officer or rank, under the conditions set out in the operational regulations. .
Alert processing centres, known as CTAs, are the bodies responsible for receiving, processing and, if necessary, redirecting emergency calls from the departmental or territorial fire and rescue service received in particular via the 18 emergency call number. They are directed by a professional fire brigade officer. In accordance with the provisions of article L. 1424-44 of this code and the article L. 6311-2 of the public health code, the alert…
The departmental fire and rescue operations centre, known as the CODIS, is the body that coordinates the operational activities of the department’s fire and rescue services. It is headed by a professional fire brigade officer. It is immediately informed of all operations in progress and is regularly kept informed of developments in the situation until they are completed. Placed under the authority of the departmental director of fire and rescue…
When, under the conditions provided for in article L. 1424-2, the situation requires the implementation of medical and rescue resources, the fire and rescue services intervene, under the authority of the prefect and according to his directives, with their own resources, in liaison with those implemented by the emergency medical aid services.
The fire and rescue services may only intervene outside the boundaries of their department by decision: 1° Of the prefect of their department, in particular in application of an interdepartmental agreement; 2° Of the prefect of their defence and security zone in application of articles L. 742-3 and L. 742-4 of the internal security code; 3° Of the minister in charge of civil security in application of article L. 742-6…
The fire and rescue services may only intervene on behalf of a foreign State by decision of the Government pursuant to article L. 742-11 of the Internal Security Code, subject, where applicable, to decentralised cooperation agreements concluded under the conditions provided for in Article L. 1112-1.
Agents of local authorities and their public establishments may not perform the duties of a volunteer firefighter during duty time, except in the cases provided for by loi n° 96-370 du 3 mai 1996 relative au développement du volontariat dans les corps de sapeurs-pompiers.
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