Article L1225-68 of the French Labour Code
An employee who is rehired by the company in application of article L. 1225-67 is entitled to vocational training, particularly in the event of a change in techniques or working methods.
An employee who is rehired by the company in application of article L. 1225-67 is entitled to vocational training, particularly in the event of a change in techniques or working methods.
Any agreement contrary to Articles L. 1225-1 to L. 1225-28 and L. 1225-35 to L. 1225-69, relating to maternity, paternity, adoption and the education of children, is null and void.
Failure by the employer to comply with the provisions of articles L. 1225-1 to L. 1225-28 and L. 1225-35 to L. 1225-69 may give rise, in favour of the employee, to the award of compensation determined in accordance with the provisions of article L. 1235-3-1.
A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the terms and conditions for the application of articles L. 1225-1 to L. 1225-28 and L. 1225-35 to L. 1225-69 as well as the system of penalties applicable to employers who fail to comply with their provisions.
Any employee with one year’s seniority in the company is entitled, in the event of absence from work justified by incapacity resulting from illness or accident as certified by a medical certificate and, if necessary, a counter-check, to an allowance in addition to the daily allowance provided for in article L. 321-1 of the Social Security Code, provided that: 1° Providing proof of such incapacity within forty-eight hours, unless the…
When justified by the protection of public health, in the event of a serious and exceptional health risk, as provided for inarticle L. 16-10-1 of the Social Security Code, in particular an epidemic, requiring the urgent adoption of appropriate conditions for the payment of the supplementary allowance provided for in article L. 1226-1 of this Code, derogating from ordinary law, these may be provided for by decree, for a limited…
The employment contract of an employee suffering from a non-occupational illness or accident remains suspended during the periods in which he/she is following the actions mentioned inarticle L. 323-3-1 of the Social Security Code under the conditions set out in the same article.
When the duration of the employee’s absence from work justified by incapacity resulting from illness or accident, as certified by a medical certificate and a second medical examination if necessary, is longer than a period set by decree, the suspension of the employment contract does not prevent the organisation of a liaison meeting between the employee and the employer, involving the occupational health and prevention service. The purpose of this…
Workers declared unfit in application of article L. 4624-4 or for whom the occupational physician has identified a risk of unfitness as part of the pre-resumption examination mentioned in article L. 4624-2-4 may benefit from the company-based vocational rehabilitation agreement mentioned in article L. 5213-3-1.
When an employee who is the victim of a non-occupational illness or accident is declared unfit by the occupational physician, in application of article L. 4624-4, to return to the job he/she previously held, the employer shall offer him/her another job appropriate to his/her abilities, within the undertaking or undertakings of the group to which it belongs, where applicable, situated on national territory and whose organisation, activities or place of…
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