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Article R332-9 of the French Sports Code

When the administrative measure banning entry to or access to sports venues is suspended or annulled by the administrative court, the recipients of the information referred to in articles R. 332-7 and R. 332-8 are informed without delay in accordance with the same procedure.

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Article R332-11 of the French Sports Code

If the Minister for the Interior refers a proposal to dissolve an association or de facto group mentioned in article L. 332-18 to the Commission, the Commission will issue its opinion within one month of the referral. If the Minister of the Interior refers to the Commission a proposal to suspend the activities of an association or de facto group mentioned in article L. 332-18 for a maximum of twelve…

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Article R332-12 of the French Sports Code

The chairman of the committee sets out the procedures for investigating the case and invites the representatives of the associations or de facto groupings mentioned in the proposed dissolution or suspension of activity for a maximum of twelve months to submit their written or oral observations. The directors of the sports clubs concerned are informed that they may also submit written or oral observations.

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Article R332-13 of the French Sports Code

The Commission’s secretariat is provided by the Ministry of the Interior. A copy of the minutes provided for in article 14 of the decree of 8 June 2006 relating to the creation, composition and operation of administrative commissions of a consultative nature is sent to the Minister for Sport.

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Article R332-14 of the French Sports Code

The automatic processing of personal data relating to breaches of the provisions of the general terms and conditions of sale or the internal regulations concerning safety, which may be implemented by any organiser of profit-making sporting events referred to in article L. 332-1, is subject to the following conditions. The purpose of this processing is to contribute to the safety of sporting events by enabling organisers to refuse or cancel…

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Article R332-15 of the French Sports Code

Only the following personal data and information may be recorded in the processing provided for in article R. 332-14 the following personal data and information: 1° Identification data: surname; first name; date and place of birth; address or place of residence; e-mail address; telephone number; season ticket number and associated photograph, where applicable; 2° Reasons for registration constituting a breach of the provisions of the general terms and conditions of…

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Article R332-16 of the French Sports Code

The personal data and information referred to in article R. 332-15 are kept for a period not exceeding eighteen months from the date of registration. At the end of this period, the data is automatically deleted from the data processing.

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Article R332-17 of the French Sports Code

I.- Employees individually designated by the data controller and belonging to the departments responsible for security, ticketing, legal affairs and the organisation of sporting events shall have access to all or part of the personal data and information mentioned in article R. 332-15, within the scope of their duties and for the exclusive purposes of the missions entrusted to them. II.As part of their duties and within the limits of…

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