Article R741-21 of the French Commercial code
The National Council shall draw up its own rules of procedure governing the way in which it and the Bureau operate; it shall lay down the powers of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and the Bureau.
The National Council shall draw up its own rules of procedure governing the way in which it and the Bureau operate; it shall lay down the powers of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and the Bureau.
The National Council draws up its budget. It sets the amount of the dues to be paid annually to it by each commercial court clerk. Non-payment of dues constitutes a disciplinary offence.
The National Council is responsible in particular for organising initial training, the competitive examination for admission to the profession of commercial court clerk, under the conditions provided for in articles R. 742-6-1 and R. 742-6-2, the course validation interview, under the conditions set out in articles R. 742-7 to R. 742-15-1, and the ongoing training of commercial court clerks and, where applicable, the training of their staff. It is also…
The National Council provides through a common grant for the financing of services of collective interest in the following areas: – training and documentation for the profession; – operation of common services; – archiving; – IT and telematics for the profession; – central files; – communication; – research and development. The amount of the contribution to the financing of services of collective interest is calculated according to a formula and…
No person may be entitled to practise the profession of commercial court clerk unless he or she meets the following conditions: 1° Be French or a national of another Member State of the European Union or of another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area; 2° (Repealed) 3° Not have been the subject of a criminal conviction for acts contrary to honour, probity or morality; 4° Have…
The diploma and traineeship conditions provided for in 6° and 8° of Article R. 742-1 are waived for persons who have held positions of responsibility in a commercial court registry for at least ten years, involving delegation of all or part of the powers of the office holder. The probationary period provided for in 8° of article R. 742-1 is waived for persons who can provide proof of ten years’…
The following are exempt from the diploma requirement provided for in 6° of Article R. 742-1 : 1° Former judges governed by the ordonnance n° 58-1270 du 22 décembre 1958 portant loi organique relative au statut de la magistrature ; 2° Former lawyers previously entered on the roll, former avoués près les cours d’appel and former avocats à la Cour de cassation et au Conseil d’Etat having served for at…
Commercial court clerks may be appointed without fulfilling the diploma or traineeship conditions provided for respectively in 6° and 8° of article R. 742-1 persons who have successfully completed a post-secondary course of study of at least three years’ duration, or of an equivalent duration on a part-time basis at a university or higher education establishment or at another establishment with an equivalent level of training and, where applicable, the…
Interpreter brokers and ship’s drivers benefiting from the provisions set out in article 5 of Law no. 2001-43 of 16 January 2001 containing various provisions adapting to Community law in the field of transport may be exempted, by decision of the Minister for Justice, after consulting the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce, from part of the training period provided for in 8° of article R. 742-1, up…
Candidates for the competition for access to the profession of commercial court clerk may be persons who meet the conditions mentioned in 1° to 6° of Article R. 742-1. The competition is held once a year. The number of places offered each year is set by order of the Minister of Justice, having regard to the number of people on the list of suitable candidates provided for in Article R….
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