Article R441-15 of the French Insurance Code
The number of participants, including non-contributors and retirees, in an agreement may not be less than 1,000. This number must be reached within three years of the agreement coming into force.
The number of participants, including non-contributors and retirees, in an agreement may not be less than 1,000. This number must be reached within three years of the agreement coming into force.
In the event of cessation of payment of contributions, the agreement may provide for forfeiture of vested rights if the member does not provide proof of payment of at least two annuities. It may also provide for a reduction in the number of annuity units registered in a member’s account in application of article R. 441-18: -where the person concerned has paid premiums or contributions for more than three years,…
The number of annuity units, possibly adjusted as stated in article R. 441-16, which must be entered each year in the individual account of each beneficiary, is equal to the quotient of the contribution, net of charges and taxes, by the acquisition value of the annuity unit. The acquisition value of the annuity unit may depend on the age of the beneficiary.
The amount of the benefit is equal, for each beneficiary, to the product of the number of annuity units in his account multiplied by the service value of the annuity unit determined for the contract to which he has subscribed.
The acquisition value of the annuity unit and its service value are set each year by the insurer in accordance with the terms of the agreement and subject to compliance with the conditions set out in Article R. 441-23, in such a way that if the ratio, valued at the end of the previous financial year, between, on the one hand, the sum of the special technical provision and the…
Each year, the insurer calculates the amount of the theoretical mathematical reserve that would be required to ensure the payment of immediate and deferred life annuities on the basis of the service value at the inventory date. This calculation is based on the technical rules laid down by order of the Minister for the Economy. When the sum of the amount of the special technical provision established in respect of…
I. – For rights in the course of constitution of operations whose benefits are linked to the cessation of professional activity, the agreement provides for the transfer option mentioned in the eighth paragraph of article L. 132-23 according to the procedures described in section 5 of chapter II of title III of book I as well as the redemption option under the conditions provided for in articles L. 224-4 and…
I. – When, for a given agreement, the ratio of the sum of the special technical provision, the special technical reversal provision and the net unrealised gains and losses on the assets allocated to the special technical provision to the theoretical mathematical provision is less than 1.05, the service value of the annuity unit determined for the following financial year, in accordance with Article R. 441-21, may not exceed that…
If the ratio, assessed at the end of the financial year, between the sum of the special technical provision and the net unrealised gains and losses on the assets allocated to the special technical provision, on the one hand, and the theoretical mathematical provision, on the other hand, has been less than 0.9 for three financial years, the insurance undertaking shall draw up a convergence plan designed to re-establish a…
When the number of members of an agreement, including non-contributors and retirees, is or becomes less than 1,000 after the expiry of the period provided for in Article R. 441-15, the agreement is converted.
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