Article L5133-10 of the French Labour Code
A decree in the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the terms and conditions for the application of this section.
A decree in the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the terms and conditions for the application of this section.
The contrat unique d’insertion (single integration contract) is an employment contract concluded between an employer and an employee under the conditions set out in sub-section 3 of sections 2 and 5 of this chapter, in respect of which aid for professional integration is granted under the conditions set out in sub-section 2 of the same sections 2 and 5. The decision to grant this assistance is taken by : 1°…
The President of the Departmental Council may delegate all or part of the decision to award the work integration aid referred to in article L. 5134-19-1 to the institution referred to in article L. 5312-1 or to any other body it designates for this purpose.
The single integration contract takes the form of : 1° For employers in the non-profit sector mentioned in article L. 5134-21, the employment support contract defined in section 2 ; 2° For employers in the commercial sector mentioned in article L. 5134-66, the employment initiative contract defined in section 5.
The President of the Departmental Council signs an annual agreement on objectives and resources with the State, prior to the granting of the subsidies for professional integration provided for in article L. 5134-19-1. This agreement sets out : 1° The forecast number of professional integration aids allocated for the recruitment, under a single integration contract, of beneficiaries of the active solidarity income financed by the department; 2° The methods of…
The President of the Departmental Council will forward to the State, under conditions set by decree, all information required to monitor the single integration contract.
The purpose of the contrat d’accompagnement dans l’emploi (employment support contract) is to facilitate the professional integration of unemployed people experiencing particular social and professional difficulties in accessing employment. To this end, it includes vocational support measures. During the performance of these contracts, one or more agreements concluded pursuant to Article L. 5135-4 may provide for a period of work experience with another employer under the conditions set out in…
Aid for professional integration under an employment support contract may be granted to the following employers: 1° Local authorities ; 2° Other legal entities governed by public law; 3° Non-profit organisations governed by private law; 4° Legal persons under private law responsible for managing a public service; 5° Cooperative societies of collective interest.
The decision to award a new subsidised employment contract as referred to in article L. 5134-19-1 is subject to a prior assessment of the support measures and measures aimed at the long-term integration of employees, carried out under a previous subsidised contract.
Aid for professional integration may not be granted in the following cases: 1° When recruitment is to replace an employee who has been made redundant for a reason other than serious misconduct or gross negligence. If it appears that the recruitment has resulted in the dismissal of another employee, the decision to grant the aid is withdrawn by the State or by the President of the Departmental Council. The decision…
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