Article L5121-22 of the French Labour Code
Unless otherwise provided, a decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the conditions for the application of this chapter.
Unless otherwise provided, a decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the conditions for the application of this chapter.
I.-Employees are placed in a partial activity position, after express or implicit authorisation by the administrative authority, if they suffer a loss of pay attributable to : -the temporary closure of their establishment or part of an establishment ; -the reduction of the working hours in the establishment or part of the establishment below the legal working hours. In the event of a collective reduction in working hours, employees may…
Employees placed on part-time work can benefit, during the periods when they are not working, from all the actions and training mentioned in articles L. 6313-1 and L. 6314-1 carried out in particular as part of the training plan. In this case, the percentage mentioned in II of article L. 5122-1 is increased under conditions laid down by decree by the Conseil d’Etat.
I.-For the application of the third paragraph of I of article L. 5122-1, the following is taken into account instead of the legal working time: 1° The working time stipulated in the contract for individual package agreements or the collective working time provided for by agreement, for employees who have concluded an individual package agreement in hours, within the meaning of articles L. 3121-56 and L. 3121-57, including overtime, and…
The statutory partial activity allowance is a replacement income within the meaning ofarticle L. 136-1-2 of the Social Security Code and is subject to the contribution mentioned in article L. 136-1 of the same code under the conditions defined in 1° of II of article L. 136-8 of the said code. The tax system applicable to the contributions mentioned in article L. 5422-10 of this code is applicable to the…
Employees on an apprenticeship or professionalisation contract whose remuneration is less than the interprofessional minimum growth wage receive an hourly partial activity allowance, paid by their employer, of an amount equal to the percentage of the interprofessional minimum growth wage applicable to them under this code and, where applicable, the contractual stipulations applicable to the company. The hourly rate of the partial activity allowance paid to the employees mentioned in…
A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the conditions of application of this chapter.
In areas or with regard to occupations affected or threatened by a serious imbalance in employment, the administrative authority shall initiate redeployment, placement and vocational retraining measures. It ensures or coordinates the implementation of these measures. The employment centres provided for in Article L. 5313-1 shall participate in the implementation of the outplacement measures provided for in this chapter.
In the cases provided for in Article L. 5123-1, the following may be granted by means of agreements between the State and professional or inter-professional bodies, trade union organisations or companies: 1° Temporary degressive allowances for workers who cannot benefit from a training course and can only be temporarily employed in jobs involving a downgrading of their professional status ; 2° (Repealed) ; 3° Conversion allowances for employees who are…
The administrative authority may grant individual redeployment assistance to certain categories of unemployed workers returning to work part-time.
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