Article R5142-25 of the French Public Health Code
If the duties of the pharmacist or veterinary surgeon in charge are definitively terminated, a new pharmacist or veterinary surgeon in charge shall be appointed without delay.
If the duties of the pharmacist or veterinary surgeon in charge are definitively terminated, a new pharmacist or veterinary surgeon in charge shall be appointed without delay.
Where the undertaking is operated by a company, the competent corporate body of that undertaking shall appoint, at the same time as the pharmacist or veterinary surgeon in charge and in order to replace them, if necessary, one or more interim pharmacists or veterinary surgeons in charge. The acting pharmacist or veterinary surgeon in charge shall be granted, for the periods of replacement, the same powers and duties as those…
Where the company is owned by a pharmacist or veterinary surgeon, he may be replaced by : 1° A pharmacist or veterinary surgeon delegate or assistant of the same company ; 2° A pharmacist or veterinary surgeon who has no other professional activity for the duration of his replacement and who registers for this purpose with the competent section of the national order of pharmacists or the regional council of…
The replacement of a delegated pharmacist or veterinarian is ensured under the following conditions : – by the interim delegated pharmacist or veterinarian mentioned in article R. 5142-26, designated by the competent corporate body ; – or, failing this, by an assistant pharmacist or veterinarian from the same company or by a pharmacist or veterinarian who has no other professional activity for the duration of the replacement.
In the event of the death of the pharmacist or veterinary surgeon who owns a company mentioned in article R. 5142-1, a pharmacist or veterinary surgeon in charge is appointed without delay by the spouse or heirs to continue running the company. He is chosen from among the pharmacists or veterinarians mentioned in article R. 5142-27 and declares himself, as soon as he has accepted the duties entrusted to him,…
In all cases, pharmacists or veterinary surgeons replacing or running the business after the death of the pharmacist or veterinary surgeon who owns the business must provide proof of the practical experience provided for in article R. 5142-16 or article R. 5142-18, as appropriate.
The pharmacist or veterinary surgeon in charge of a company mentioned in 1°, 2°, 3°, 4°, 5°, 6°, 7°, 8°, 9° and 10° of article R. 5142-1 or the pharmacist or veterinary surgeon delegated by his establishment carries out his duties on a permanent and continuous basis. These duties are incompatible, in particular, with the running of a pharmacy, the management of a mutual pharmacy, a pharmacy of a mining…
Notwithstanding article R. 5142-31, pharmacists, veterinary surgeons and companies who own a pharmaceutical manufacturing establishment attached to their pharmacy or practice by virtue of an authorisation to open obtained before 20 March 2003 may continue to operate the said establishment at the same time as their pharmacy, veterinary clinic or practice for as long as they continue to own the latter. The pharmacists, veterinary surgeons and companies mentioned in the…
In the companies referred to in article L. 5142-1, other than those which manufacture, import or distribute medicated feedingstuffs excluding any other veterinary medicinal product and which opt for the derogation provided for in the last paragraph of this article, the pharmacist or veterinary surgeon in charge is : 1° In public limited companies other than those referred to in articles L. 225-57 to L. 225-93 of the Commercial Code,…
The company sends the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail a copy of any document appointing the pharmacist or veterinarian in charge and the interim pharmacist(s) or veterinarian(s) in charge as defined in articles R. 5142-26 and R. 5142-27 and setting out their responsibilities. The company also sends a copy, as appropriate, to the competent central council of the national…
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