Article L2423-1 of the French Public Health Code
Title VI of Book I of this Part is applicable to Wallis and Futuna in the version resulting from Law no. 2021-1017 of 2 August 2021.
Title VI of Book I of this Part is applicable to Wallis and Futuna in the version resulting from Law no. 2021-1017 of 2 August 2021.
I. – Title II of Book II of this Part is applicable to Wallis and Futuna, subject to the following adaptation: In Article L. 2222-2 applicable in its wording resulting from Law No. 2016-41 of 26 January 2016, 3° is replaced by the following provisions: 3° In a place other than the Wallis and Futuna Health Agency or outside a public or private health establishment that has entered into an…
Articles L. 2222-2, L. 2222-4, L. 2223-1 and L. 2223-2 are applicable in the French Southern and Antarctic Territories. For their application in the French Southern and Antarctic Territories : 1° Le 3° de l’article L. 2222-2 est ainsi rédigé : “3° In a place other than a public hospital establishment or a private hospital establishment satisfying the conditions laid down by locally applicable regulations. ” ; 2° In articles…
The provisions of articles L. 2212-1, L. 2212-7 and L. 2212-8 (first paragraph) are applicable in the French Southern and Antarctic Territories. For the application of the first paragraph of article L. 2212-8, the words: “in accordance with the procedures set out in article L. 2212-2” do not apply.
Subject to the adaptations provided for in this chapter, the following provisions of Chapter 1 of Title III of Book I of this Part shall apply in New Caledonia and French Polynesia: 1° Articles L. 2131-1, L. 2131-1-1, L. 2131-4 and L. 2131-4-1, in the version resulting from Law no. 2021-1017 of 2 August 2021; 2° Article L. 2131-4-2, in the version resulting from Law no. 2011-814 of 7 July…
I. – For its application in New Caledonia and French Polynesia, Article L. 2131-1 is amended as follows: “1° In III, the words: “a multidisciplinary prenatal diagnosis centre” are replaced by the words: “a consultation providing multidisciplinary care”; “2° In IV, the words “, where applicable a member of a multidisciplinary prenatal diagnosis centre,” are deleted; “2° bis In the last paragraph of VI, the words: “a doctor qualified in…
For the application in New Caledonia and French Polynesia of Article L. 2131-4 : 1° In the third paragraph, the words: “A doctor practising in a multidisciplinary prenatal diagnosis centre as defined by Article L. 2131-1 must certify that” are replaced by the words: “When it is certified that”; 2° The penultimate paragraph reads as follows: “It may only be carried out in a body authorised for this purpose by…
The procedures for applying this chapter shall be determined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
Chapters I and III of Title IV of Book I of this Part are applicable in New Caledonia and French Polynesia, subject to the adaptations provided for in this Chapter. Articles L. 2141-1 to L. 2141-6, L. 2141-9 to L. 2141-12 and L. 2143-1 to L. 2143-9 are applicable in their wording resulting from law no. 2021-1017 of 2 August 2021.
For its application in New Caledonia and French Polynesia, Article L. 2141-1 is replaced by the following provisions: Art. L. 2141-1 – Medically assisted procreation refers to clinical and biological practices enabling in vitro conception, gamete, germ tissue and embryo preservation, embryo transfer and artificial insemination. The list of biological procedures used in medically assisted procreation is set by decree of the Minister of Health after consultation with the Biomedicine…
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