Article R1322-64 of the French Public Health Code
Each spa establishment must draw up and keep up to date a file for each patient. This record must indicate the financial conditions under which treatments are provided.
Each spa establishment must draw up and keep up to date a file for each patient. This record must indicate the financial conditions under which treatments are provided.
A spa providing functional re-education of the musculoskeletal system during thermal cures can only be approved if, in addition to the above conditions common to all private spas, it meets the condition of belonging to a spa specialising in musculoskeletal disorders.
As far as the premises and equipment are concerned, the spa establishment must include : 1° Essentially, a kinesiobalneotherapy department whose treatment stations must be equipped with conventional means allowing mobilisation under water. To this service must be added : a) Undressing cubicles, including some for patients lying down; b) Bathrobe drying facilities; c) Rooms with sufficient capacity to ensure that each patient being treated can rest for a suitable…
The paramedical technical staff authorised to carry out functional re-education practices must include one or more masseur-physiotherapists, depending on the size of the service. The rest of the staff must be sufficient in number and have the necessary skills.
Clean seawater is natural, artificial or purified seawater or brackish water that does not contain micro-organisms, harmful substances or toxic marine plankton in quantities likely to have a direct or indirect impact on the health quality of foodstuffs.
The provisions of articles R. 1322-70 to R. 1322-72 and III of article R. 1322-73 do not apply to the production of clean seawater used in contact with live bivalve molluscs or for feeding shellfish and fish tanks, or to water pumped offshore for use on board ships.
I. – Any production of clean seawater is subject to authorisation from the Prefect of the département in which the production facility is located. The authorisation is issued on the basis of a file containing in particular: 1° The name of the person responsible for production at the facility concerned, if this person is not the author of the application for authorisation; 2° Information enabling the water quality to be…
I. – The clean seawater produced must comply with quality limits and standards, relating to microbiological and physico-chemical parameters, set by joint order of the Minister for Health and the Minister for Agriculture, issued after consultation with the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety. The ministerial order mentioned in the first paragraph also defines the additional quality limits and references which the Prefect may, as part of…
I. – When the quality limits mentioned in article R. 1322-71 are not respected for the clean seawater produced, or in the event of a danger likely to compromise the safety of the clean seawater, the person responsible for the production of clean seawater must : – immediately stop the production and distribution of clean seawater as long as these quality limits are not complied with; – take the necessary…
I. – The use of clean seawater in contact with foodstuffs is authorised only for the uses referred to : – Chapter VII of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 ; – Section VIII of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004. II. – The use of this water is carried out under the responsibility of the food business using it. The burden of proving the harmlessness of the…
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