Article R1324-4 of the French Public Health Code
Any person who modifies the conditions of operation, treatment or use authorised by decree, without first obtaining a revision of this authorisation, is liable to a fine for a 5th class offence.
Any person who modifies the conditions of operation, treatment or use authorised by decree, without first obtaining a revision of this authorisation, is liable to a fine for a 5th class offence.
Failure to include on bottle labels the special information required to appear on them by the authorisation order defined in article L. 1322-13 is punishable in accordance with the provisions of article R. 451-1 of the French Consumer Code. It is similarly punishable to include on bottle labels any special information other than that which must appear on the label in accordance with the authorisation order defined in article L….
Placing on the market and using materials and products intended for production, distribution and packaging installations that come into contact with water intended for human consumption, as referred to in article R. 1321-48 , or products and processes intended for treating water intended for human consumption, as referred to in article R. 1321-50, without having the certificate provided for in III and II of these articles respectively, is punishable by…
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