Article R2383-2 of the French Public procurement code
The provisions of articles R. 2183-2 and R. 2183-3 apply.
The provisions of articles R. 2183-2 and R. 2183-3 apply.
Under the conditions laid down in Article L. 2332-1, certain information on the award of the contract may not be published if its disclosure would impede law enforcement, would be contrary to the public interest, in particular defence or security interests, would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of a particular economic operator, whether public or private, or could prejudice fair competition between economic operators.
The purchaser shall draw up a report presenting the procedure for awarding defence or security contracts meeting a need whose value is equal to or greater than the European thresholds set out in a notice annexed to this code.
The presentation report shall include at least the following information:1° The name and address of the purchaser, the subject and value of the contract;2° The award procedure chosen;3° The names of the candidates excluded and the reasons for the rejection of their applications;4° The names of the candidates selected and the reasons for this choice;5° The names of the tenderers whose bids were rejected and the reasons for this rejection,…
The presentation report shall also include, where applicable, the following information: 1° The reasons for using the award procedure without prior advertising or competitive tendering or the competitive dialogue procedure; 2° The reasons for using a framework agreement with a term of more than seven years; 3° The rea sons for excee di ng the terms provided for in articles R. 2322-8 and R. 2322-12; 4° Any information on the…
The provisions of articles R. 2184-5 and R. 2184-6 apply.
The provisions of articles R. 2184-12 and R. 2184-13 apply.
The provisions of articles R. 2185-1 and R. 2185-2 apply.
The purchaser shall grant an advance payment to the holder of a contract when the initial amount of the contract is greater than 250,000 euros excluding tax and insofar as the performance period is greater than three months. When the contractor is a small or medium-sized enterprise or a craftsman within the meaning of Article R. 2351-12, an advance is paid when the initial amount of the contract or tranche…
The provisions of articles R. 2191-4 and R. 2191-5 apply.
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