Article R1441-17 of the French Labour Code
Pursuant to article L. 1422-2, employees and employers working on the site of an aerodrome within the jurisdiction of an industrial tribunal are candidates for this tribunal.
Pursuant to article L. 1422-2, employees and employers working on the site of an aerodrome within the jurisdiction of an industrial tribunal are candidates for this tribunal.
The representative provided for in Article L. 1441-18 submits the organisation’s list(s) for each industrial tribunal in the département for which he is appointed.
The notification provided for in article L. 1441-22 to an employer of an employee’s status as a candidate shall be made by any means that confers a date certain. The information contained in this notification is simultaneously communicated by the representative to the Labour Inspectorate.
Each list of candidates specifies the name of the organisation, as well as the industrial tribunal, the college and the section for which the candidates on the list are being put forward.
The representative of a list checks and certifies that this list meets the conditions laid down in articles L. 1441-18 to L. 1441-20. The individual candidacy declarations of each candidate on the list are attached to the list of candidates mentioned in article R. 1441-20. These declarations include the information required to prove that the candidate meets the conditions set out in articles L. 1441-6 to L. 1441-17.
Each candidate gives a mandate to be presented by the organisation presenting him/her. They declare on their honour that they are not subject to any prohibition, disqualification or incapacity relating to their civic rights and that they do not hold any office that is incompatible with the office of industrial tribunal member. He provides documents proving that he satisfies the conditions mentioned in articles L. 1441-6 to L. 1441-17, with…
The Directorate of Judicial Services implements an automated processing system for personal data called “SI-Candidatures”, the purpose of which is to submit and manage applications for judicial office.
The categories of personal data relating to the representative of the trade union or professional organisation, having obtained seats pursuant to Article R. 1441-2, that may be recorded in the automated processing are as follows: 1° Surname, first names and title ; 2° Their professional or personal e-mail address; 3° His/her fixed or mobile, professional or personal telephone number(s); 4° The name of the organisation they represent; 5° His capacity…
The categories of personal data relating to the departmental representative of the trade union or professional organisation that may be recorded in the automated processing are as follows: 1° Surnames, first names and title ; 2° Their personal or professional postal and e-mail addresses; 3° Personal or professional mobile telephone number; 4° The name of the organisation they represent; 5° His capacity as a representative duly authorised by his organisation…
I. – The personal data recorded relating to the candidate presented by the trade union or professional organisation is as follows: 1° His or her surname at birth and in use, forenames, sex ; 2° Date, municipality and country of birth; 3° His nationality; 4° Current or former employee representative status; 5° His personal or professional postal and e-mail addresses; 6° Telephone number(s), fixed or mobile, business or personal; 7°…
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