Article R1457-2 of the French Labour Code
When the challenge is brought before the Court of Appeal, it is heard by the Social Division.
When the challenge is brought before the Court of Appeal, it is heard by the Social Division.
The time limit for appeal is one month. If they are not represented by the person referred to in 2° of article R. 1453-2, the parties are required to appoint a lawyer. The acts of this appeal procedure that are charged to the lawyer are validly carried out by the person mentioned in 2° of article R. 1453-2. Likewise, those intended for the lawyer are validly carried out by the…
The appeal is lodged with the Social Division of the Court of Appeal. It is lodged, investigated and judged according to the procedure with compulsory representation.
The industrial tribunal will rule at last instance: 1° When the total value of the claims of none of the parties exceeds the jurisdictional rate set by decree; 2° When the claim is for the delivery, even under penalty, of work certificates, pay slips or any document that the employer is required to deliver, unless the ruling is at first instance due to the amount of the other claims.
The judgment is not subject to appeal if the counterclaim for damages alone, based exclusively on the initial claim, exceeds the jurisdiction of the court of last resort.
The final jurisdiction of the industrial tribunal is 5,000 euros.
The objection is lodged directly with the adjudication office. The provisions of articles R. 1452-1 to R. 1452-4 are applicable. The objection lapses if the party that lodged it fails to appear. It may not be repeated. These provisions apply to the third party opposition.
The provisions of Book V of the Code of Civil Procedure are applicable to disputes arising from an employment contract. The conciliation and referral office approves the agreement resulting from an amicable dispute resolution procedure, under the conditions set out in the aforementioned provisions. These provisions apply to settlements reached without recourse to mediation, conciliation or a participatory procedure. In such cases, the matter is referred to the Conciliation Office…
The conciliation and referral office or the adjudication office may, at any stage of the proceedings: 1° After obtaining the agreement of the parties, appoint a mediator to hear them and compare their points of view in order to find a solution to the dispute between them; 2° Enjoin the parties to meet a mediator who will inform them of the purpose and progress of the measure. The agreement is…
SEAT AND JURISDICTION OF INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNALS SEAT AND JURISDICTION OF INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNALS DEPARTMENT COURT Seat of the industrial tribunal Jurisdiction of the industrial tribunal Agen Court of Appeal Gers Auch Auch Jurisdiction of the judicial court of Auch. Lot Cahors Cahors Area covered by the judicial court of Cahors. Lot-et-Garonne Agen Agen Jurisdiction of the judicial court of Agen, excluding the jurisdiction of the local court of Marmande. Marmande Jurisdiction…
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