Article L6162-2 of the French Public Health Code
These establishments are legal entities under private law. They may receive donations and legacies.
These establishments are legal entities under private law. They may receive donations and legacies.
The Minister for Health draws up the list of cancer centres.
Each centre must have a multidisciplinary organisation guaranteeing comprehensive patient care and including at least surgical, medical oncology, radiotherapy and anatomical-cyto-pathology resources.
The cancer centres enter into agreements with the universities and university hospital centres mentioned in article L. 6142-5 with a view to defining a common organisation for cancer teaching and research.
Each centre is administered by a Board of Directors comprising : 1° The representative of the State in one of the departments in the region where the centre is based, appointed by the representative of the State in the region; 2° The director of the medical training and research unit with which the centre has signed the agreement provided for in article L. 6142-5 or, where there is more than…
No person may be a member of a board of directors : 1° In more than one capacity ; 2° If he is subject to the incapacity provided for inarticle L. 6 of the Electoral Code; 3° If he has a direct or indirect interest, either personally or through his spouse, ascendants or descendants in the direct line, in the management of a private health establishment that is not a…
The Board of Directors determines the centre’s general policy and its evaluation and control policy. To this end, it carries out any controls and verifications it deems appropriate and deliberates on : 1° The establishment’s project and the multi-annual contract of objectives and resources; 2° The policy for continuous improvement in the quality and safety of care and in the conditions in which users are received and cared for; 3°…
The Centre’s Director General is responsible for the Centre’s affairs other than those listed in Article L. 6162-9. He is responsible for the general management of the establishment and reports to the Board of Directors. He represents the centre in legal proceedings and in all civil acts. The Chief Executive Officer is appointed for a renewable period of five years by the Minister for Health after consultation with the Board…
The multiannual contract of objectives and resources mentioned in 1° of article L. 6162-9 is enforceable as soon as it has been signed by all the parties. The 2° bis and the penultimate paragraph of article L. 6143-4 are applicable to the 3° of the same article L. 6162-9. The deliberations mentioned in 5° to 9° of the said article L. 6162-9 are subject to the last paragraph of article…
The Director General of the Regional Health Agency will ask a cancer centre to submit a recovery plan, within a period of between one and three months set by the Director General, in one of the following cases: 1° When it considers that the establishment’s financial situation so requires ; 2° When the institution is financially unbalanced according to criteria defined by decree. The terms and conditions of the return…
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