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Article L342-13 of the French Tourism Code

The service is provided either by direct management, by a public entity in the form of an industrial and commercial public service, or by a company that has signed a fixed-term agreement with the competent authority for this purpose.

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Article L342-14 of the French Tourism Code

The agreement is drawn up in accordance with the provisions of articles L. 342-1 to L. 342-5 and sets out the nature, operating conditions and funding of the service. It defines the respective obligations of the parties as well as the conditions under which compensation will be paid to owners for easements instituted pursuant to articles L. 342-20 to L. 342-23. It may provide for the operator to contribute financially…

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Article L342-17 of the French Tourism Code

I. – The design, construction and modification of ski lifts, the way in which they are operated and the checks carried out to ensure that they are in good working order are subject to administrative and technical safety rules and to the supervision of officials from the Ministry of Transport. II. – For the construction and substantial modification of a ski lift, the project owner entrusts the project management to…

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Article L342-17-1 of the French Tourism Code

The provisions of article L. 342-17 apply to conveyers providing transport for tourism or sport in mountain resorts. In addition, before being put into operation, this equipment is subject to the authorisation provided for by Article L. 445-1 of the French Town Planning Code. The conditions for the application of this article are specified by a Conseil d’Etat decree.

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Article L342-18 of the French Tourism Code

The easement provided for in articles L. 342-20 to L. 342-23 may only be established within the zones and sectors defined in local town planning schemes. This provision does not apply to easements established to facilitate cross-country skiing or access to mountaineering and climbing sites in mountain areas and to nature sports within the meaning of L. 311-1 of the French Sports Code, as well as access to mountain refuges.

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Article L342-19 of the French Tourism Code

In municipalities classified as winter sports and mountaineering resorts and having a land use plan that was enforceable on 10 January 1985 or a local town planning plan, the provisions of article L. 342-18 apply from the date of approval of the amendment or revision of this plan.

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Article L342-20 of the French Tourism Code

Private property or property forming part of the private domain of a public authority may be encumbered, for the benefit of the commune, group of communes, département or mixed syndicate concerned, by an easement intended to ensure the passage, development and equipment of downhill ski runs and Nordic sites intended for organised non-motorised snow sports, the overflight of land where ski lifts are to be installed, the installation of line…

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Article L342-21 of the French Tourism Code

The easement is created by a reasoned decision of the competent administrative authority on a proposal from the deliberative body of the commune, group of communes, département or mixed syndicate concerned, following a survey of the land carried out in the same way as for expropriation. In the event of opposition from the municipal council of an interested municipality, the easement is created by decree of the Conseil d’Etat. The…

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