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Article 790 B of the French General Tax Code

For the purposes of collecting inter vivos transfer duties, an allowance of €31,865 is made on the share of each of the grandchildren. The donor’s deceased grandchildren are, for the purposes of applying the allowance, represented by their donee descendants under the conditions laid down by the Civil Code as regards representation in inheritance.

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Article 790 F of the French General Tax Code

For the purposes of collecting inter vivos transfer duties, an allowance of €80,724 is made on the share of the partner bound to the donor by a civil solidarity pact. The benefit of this allowance is called into question when the pact ends during the calendar year in which it was entered into or the following year for a reason other than marriage between the partners or the death of…

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Article 790 G of the French General Tax Code

I. – Gifts of full ownership of sums of money made to a child, grandchild, great-grandchild or, in the absence of such a descendant, to a nephew or niece or, by representation, to a grand-nephew or grand-niece are exempt from free transfer duties up to a limit of €31,865 every fifteen years. This exemption is subject to compliance with the following conditions: 1° The donor is less than eighty years…

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Article 790 H of the French General Tax Code

Gifts inter vivos, made in full ownership and evidenced by a notarised deed signed between 1 January and 31 December 2015, of building land defined in 1° of 2 of I of Article 257 are exempt from free transfer duties, up to the declared value of these assets, where the deed of gift contains an undertaking by the donee, made on behalf of himself and his successors in title, to…

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Article 790 I of the French General Tax Code

Freehold inter vivos gifts of new residential property for which planning permission has been obtained between 1 September 2014 and 31 December 2016, evidenced by a notarised deed signed no later than three years after the planning permission is obtained, are exempt from free transfer tax, up to the declared value of the property, up to a maximum of: 1° €100,000, when they are granted in favour of a descendant…

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Article 791 of the French General Tax Code

The rate of land registration tax is reduced to 0.60% for inter vivos transfers free of charge. The value to be used for the tax base may not be less, where applicable, than that used as the basis for the assessment of registration duties in accordance with the provisions of this code.

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Article 791 ter of the French General Tax Code

In the event of a direct-line gift of property previously transferred to a first direct-line donee and returned to the donor pursuant to articles 738-2, 951 and 952 of the Civil Code, the duties paid on the first donation are deducted from the duties due on the second donation. The new donation must be made within five years of the return of the property to the donor’s estate. Notwithstanding the…

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Article 792-0 bis of the French General Tax Code

I. – 1. For the purposes of this Code, “trust” means all legal relationships created in the law of a State other than France by a person who has the status of settlor, by inter vivos deed or mortis causa, with a view to placing assets or rights therein, under the control of an administrator, in the interest of one or more beneficiaries or for the achievement of a specific…

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