Article R6322-18 of the French Public Health Code
The provisions of articles R. 1113-1 to R. 1113-9 relating to the responsibility of establishments for the property of patients are applicable to cosmetic surgery facilities.
The provisions of articles R. 1113-1 to R. 1113-9 relating to the responsibility of establishments for the property of patients are applicable to cosmetic surgery facilities.
The provisions of articles R. 1112-79 to R. 1112-94 relating to the users’ commission are applied to persons cared for in cosmetic surgery facilities where the holder of the authorisation is a health establishment. In this case, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency receives the report provided for in 3° of II of article R. 1112-80, or communication of the information relating to the cosmetic surgery activity included…
Where the holder of the authorisation is not a health care establishment, it shall set up a user relations and quality of care committee composed of : 1° The authorisation holder, or his representative, as chairman ; 2° Two medical mediators and their alternates; 3° Two non-physician mediators and their alternates; 4° A user representative and his/her alternate. The non-physician mediators and their alternates are appointed by the authorisation holder…
The authorisation holder may decide to add a doctor and a deputy to the composition of this committee, as well as a representative of the board of directors or the collegiate body acting in its place and a deputy. The doctor and alternate are chosen by and from among the doctors practising in the cosmetic surgery facility. The representative of the Board of Directors or the equivalent collegiate body and…
In the event of a vacancy on the committee provided for in article R. 6322-20 for a period of more than six months, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency shall appoint a mediator from among practitioners who meet the conditions of practice defined in article R. 6322-20, on the recommendation of the Association’s Departmental Council. The same person may not act as mediator or substitute mediator for more…
The list of committee members is displayed in the establishment and given to each patient.
The Committee is convened by its Chairman at least once a year and as often as necessary to examine complaints and claims under the conditions set out in article R. 6322-25. The Chairman shall not vote. In the event of a tied vote, the Committee shall be deemed to have given its opinion.
The committee ensures that users’ rights are respected and facilitates their procedures. It ensures that all users are informed of the means of appeal and conciliation available to them. To this end, all complaints and claims expressed by users or their relatives are made available to it by the authorisation holder. Managers’ responses to these complaints and claims are accompanied by information about the possibility of referring the matter to…
Through its opinions and proposals, the committee helps to improve the care provided to residents. To this end: 1° It receives all the information it needs to carry out its duties, in particular : a) The results of the assessment of patient satisfaction referred to in e of 4° of Article R. 6322-4; b) The number, nature and outcome of appeals lodged by users; 2° On the basis of this…
The provisions of articles R. 1112-1 to R. 1112-3, article R. 1112-5 and articles R. 1112-7 to R. 1112-9 relating to information for patients and the communication of health information as defined in article L. 1111-7 are applicable to cosmetic surgery facilities. When the holder of the authorisation is not a health establishment, it implements these provisions as they are laid down for private health establishments which are not authorised…
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