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Article R621-42 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The Autorité des marchés financiers shall, where appropriate, inform the European Commission and the competent authorities of the other Member States of the European Union of the decisions it takes pursuant to this section. It shall also inform the European Securities and Markets Authority of decisions taken against AIF management companies pursuant to this section.

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Article R621-43-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The persons mentioned in c of article L. 621-18-2, who have close personal ties with one of the persons mentioned in a or b of the same article, are : 1° Their spouse who is not legally separated or the partner with whom they are bound by a civil solidarity pact ; 2° The children over whom he/she exercises parental authority, or who live with him/her habitually or alternately, or…

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Article R621-44 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

The time limit for appealing against individual decisions taken by the AMF is ten days, except in the case of sanctions, when it is two months. The period runs from the date of notification of the decision to the persons concerned and from the date of publication to other interested parties. The time limit for appeals by third parties begins to run when these decisions are posted on the AMF…

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Article R621-45 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I. – Appeals against individual decisions taken by the Autorité des marchés financiers relating to authorisations or sanctions concerning the persons and entities referred to in II of Article L. 621-9 shall be referred to the Conseil d’Etat, in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Code of Administrative Justice. In the case of sanctions, appeals are recourses of full jurisdiction. The Conseil d’Etat may, on the principal or…

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Article R621-46 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I. – An appeal to the Paris Court of Appeal shall be lodged by means of a written statement lodged in quadruplicate with the registry of the Paris Court of Appeal against a receipt. On pain of inadmissibility pronounced ex officio, it shall contain the particulars prescribed byarticle 648 of the Code of Civil Procedure and specify the subject of the appeal. Where the statement of appeal does not contain…

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Article R621-47 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Contractual public-sector employees and private-sector employees of the Autorité des marchés financiers may be employed on a full-time or part-time basis, for a fixed or indefinite period. Civil servants, judges or military personnel may be seconded or made available to the Autorité des marchés financiers under the conditions laid down in their respective statutes. The Autorité des marchés financiers may make contractual public-sector employees and private-sector employees available to another…

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Article R621-48 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Each employment contract concluded between the AMF and one of its agents or employees specifies whether the contract is governed by public law or by the Labour Code. The contracts of contractual agents governed by public law are subject to the provisions of Decree no. 86-83 of 17 January 1986 relating to the general provisions applicable to contractual agents of the State, with the exception of the provisions of articles…

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Article R621-51 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Staff employed by the AMF under public-sector contracts, private-sector employees and civil servants on secondment or secondment are entitled to vote and to stand for election to staff representative bodies under the conditions laid down in the Labour Code. These representative bodies shall exercise their powers in respect of all such staff.

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