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Article L6342-1 of the French Labour Code

Any person attending a continuing vocational training course under the terms of this Book shall be compulsorily affiliated to a social security scheme. Trainees who were covered by a social security scheme in any capacity whatsoever prior to their training period remain affiliated to that scheme for the duration of their training period. Trainees who were not covered by any scheme are affiliated to the general social security scheme. However,…

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Article L6342-2 of the French Labour Code

When a vocational training trainee covered by an employee social security scheme is paid by his or her employer, the State contributes to the employer’s social security contributions in the same proportion as for the remuneration.

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Article L6342-3 of the French Labour Code

The social security contributions of a trainee who is remunerated by the State, the skills operator or the region for the duration of the course, or who is not remunerated at all, are paid in full by the State, the skills operator or the region, as appropriate, in the same way as the funding of the training course. For training courses financed by the development fund for the professional integration…

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Article L6342-5 of the French Labour Code

The provisions applicable in terms of accidents at work and occupational illnesses to the persons mentioned in 2° of article L. 412-8 of the Social Security Code are applicable to all trainees in continuing vocational training, with the exception of civil servants in the State and local authorities who remain governed by the provisions specific to them.

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Article L6343-1 of the French Labour Code

For the duration of their presence in the company as part of one of the training courses mentioned in article L. 6313-1, trainees who do not have an employment contract benefit from the provisions of this code and, where applicable, the rural and maritime fishing code relating to: 1° Working hours, with the exception of those relating to overtime. 2° Weekly rest ; 3° health and safety.

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