Article R123-137 of the French Commercial code
Any automatic registration made on the basis of information that proves to be incorrect shall be reported by the Registrar.
Any automatic registration made on the basis of information that proves to be incorrect shall be reported by the Registrar.
Where a person has been struck off automatically pursuant to this section, he or she may, provided that he or she shows that he or she has regularised his or her situation, ask the Registrar to report the striking off. Within a period of fifteen days from the date of the request, the Registrar shall make the report or deliver a reasoned decision of refusal to the applicant against a…
Subject to the provisions of articles R. 123-143 to R. 123-149, any dispute between the person required to register and the registrar shall be referred to the judge responsible for supervising the register, who shall rule by order.
Orders issued by the judge responsible for overseeing the register shall be notified to the registrant by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The notification shall indicate the form and time limit for the appeal and the procedures by which it is to be exercised. The registrar shall also inform the registrant by simple letter, to his correspondence address, of the decision issued and the time limit for appeal. .
The appeal against the orders is lodged, investigated and judged as in non-contentious matters in accordance with the provisions of articles 950 to 953 of the Code of Civil Procedure. However, the party is exempt from the ministry of a lawyer. The clerk of the court of appeal sends a copy of the judgment to the clerk responsible for keeping the register.
The order of the judge responsible for supervising the register of commerce and companies or the ruling of the court of appeal shall be referred to within fifteen days of the date on which the decision became final. Where the person required to be registered fails to comply with a decision ordering him to carry out a formality, the Registrar shall notify the public prosecutor and send him a copy…
A decision to refuse registration or registration of amendments to the articles of association taken by the registrar pursuant to the second paragraph of article R. 123-95 may be contested within fifteen days of its notification. The application shall be sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the president of the court to which the registrar who refused the registration or recording of the amendments to the articles…
The president of the court or the magistrate delegated for this purpose shall rule urgently by order, in the light of the decision and any other useful documents. However, he shall have the option of referring the application to a hearing of the court, the date of which he shall set. When the option referred to in the previous paragraph is used, the court shall rule urgently after taking the…
The court decision shall bear the executory clause on the copy. It shall be notified to the claimant by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
The notification of a court decision refusing registration or registration of amendments to the articles of association shall indicate the form and time limit for the appeal and the procedures by which it must be exercised.
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