Article R123-64 of the French Commercial code
The information relating to the establishment provided for in article R. 123-38, with the exception of those provided for in 8° for non-commercial legal entities.
The information relating to the establishment provided for in article R. 123-38, with the exception of those provided for in 8° for non-commercial legal entities.
The application for secondary registration shall state the information referred to in 1° and 2° of Article R. 123-237, as well as: 1° For companies, the information provided for in 1°, 2° and 4° of article R. 123-53 ; 2° For economic interest groupings, the information provided for in b and c of 1° of Article R. 123-60 ; 3° For other legal entities, the information provided for in 1°…
Any registered legal entity shall apply, via the single body referred to in Article R. 123-1, for an amending registration within one month of any fact or act making it necessary to rectify or supplement the particulars provided for in Articles R. 123-53 et suivants.
A registered legal entity that opens a secondary establishment shall apply for additional registration under the conditions set out in article R. 123-41. However, this obligation is not applicable to the legal entities mentioned in 4° and 5° of article L. 123-1 which are designated by order of the Minister of Justice, the Minister responsible for industrial property and the Minister responsible for the supervision of the legal entity.
The information relating to the establishment provided for in article R. 123-38, with the exception of those provided for in 8° for non-commercial legal entities, and in article R. 123-39.
The obligation set out in article R. 123-66 includes: 1° The total or partial cessation of activity within the jurisdiction of the court of the main registration, even in the absence of dissolution; 2° The total or partial cessation of activity of an establishment within the jurisdiction of the court of a secondary registration ; 3° In the event of a merger, cross-border merger, demerger, cross-border split or cross-border transformation…
The obligation set out in article R. 123-66 also includes dissolution or a decision declaring the legal entity null and void for any reason whatsoever, with an indication of the name, customary name, pseudonym, forenames and domicile of the liquidators, the extent of their powers in the case of one of the companies referred to in articles R. 123-53 to R. 123-58, and the reference of the legal announcement medium…
The provisions of article R. 123-66 do not apply: 1° To the updating of references made, in the main registration, to secondary registrations: in this case, the corrective entry is made automatically by the registrar of the main registration following notification from the registrar of the secondary registration which carried out the latter or its deletion; 2° To the updating of information relating to the personal situation of the taxable…
Where the Registrar updates the particulars relating to the registration or deletion of an establishment of a company whose registered office is situated in another Member State of the European Union, and which has one of the legal forms listed in Annex 1-3 to this Book, he shall communicate such changes to the competent registrar of the Member State in which the company is registered, by means of the system…
When the Registrar updates certain information concerning the registration of a société anonyme, a société en commandite par actions, a société à responsabilité limitée or a société par actions simplifiée, he shall communicate it, where appropriate, to each competent registrar of the Member State or Member States of the European Union in which the company has opened one or more establishments, by means of the register interconnection system. The information…
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