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Article R613-54 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

For the application of X of Article L. 613-47, the provisional valuation provided for by this article includes the amount of losses that can reasonably be expected to be realised in the period between the date of the provisional valuation and the end of the resolution procedure. In order to carry out this provisional valuation, the College of Resolution shall in particular take into account the following elements: 1° The…

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Article R613-55 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

For the purposes of Article L. 613-47, the estimate of the losses that the holders of equity securities or other forms of ownership and the creditors of the person subject to a resolution procedure would have suffered in the context of a compulsory liquidation procedure shall take into account the realisable value of the assets on the date on which the decision was taken to subject this person to one…

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Article R613-56 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

For the application of II of Article L. 613-52-6, the contributions and assets of the person subject to resolution proceedings that have not been acquired for the benefit of the Fonds de garantie des dépôts et de résolution are transferred to the acquirer to the extent of the activities concerned.

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Article R613-57 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

For the purposes of Article L. 613-50-6, the resolution college may present to potential acquirers the terms and timetable for the transfer of securities implemented under the procedure provided for in I of that article. It shall ensure that all potential acquirers that have informed it of their interest have the same level of information about the transaction.

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Article R613-58 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

For the purposes of Article L. 613-52-2, the resolution board may make use of the derogations provided for in I of that Article where it finds that one of the following conditions is met: 1° The actual or foreseeable failure of the person subject to the resolution procedure poses a significant threat to financial stability; 2° Application of the provisions of I of Article L. 613-50-6 would be likely to…

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Article R613-59 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

For the purposes of Article L. 613-50-6, the services and infrastructures referred to in III of that article are provided: 1° Under the conditions provided for in an agreement concluded with the person subject to a resolution procedure when they were provided under the terms of this agreement immediately prior to the application of a resolution measure ; 2° In the absence of such an agreement or where the agreement…

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Article R613-60 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I. – Without prejudice to the provisions of article L. 613-50-8, any remuneration in return for a transfer carried out pursuant to articles L. 613-52 and L. 613-53 shall be paid by the acquirer: 1° To the owners of the equity securities referred to in Chapter I of Title I of Book II or of the other ownership interests that have been transferred to the acquirer ; 2° To the…

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Article R613-61 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

For the purposes of Article L. 613-53-4, the resolution board’s decision to extend the two-year period referred to in II of that article shall be reasoned and accompanied by a detailed assessment of the situation of the bridge institution, including market conditions and prospects, justifying the extension of the institution’s activity.

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Article R613-63 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Where the assets and liabilities of several persons subject to resolution proceedings have been transferred to the same bridge institution, the winding-up proceedings referred to in III of Article L. 613-53-4 shall apply separately to the assets and liabilities of each of these persons and not to the bridge institution itself. The assets concerned are identified individually in the accounts of the bridge institution. They are subject to separate liquidation…

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