Article R123-147 of the French Commercial code
The court decision authorising the registration or recording is immediately brought to the attention of the registry competent to carry it out.
The court decision authorising the registration or recording is immediately brought to the attention of the registry competent to carry it out.
The company may appeal against the decision to refuse registration or registration made at first instance within fifteen days of its notification. The appeal shall be lodged, investigated and judged as in non-contentious matters in accordance with the provisions of articles 950 to 953 of the Code of Civil Procedure. However, the appealing company shall be exempted from the ministry of a lawyer.
The clerk of the court of appeal shall send a copy of the judgment to the clerk responsible for keeping the register.
The registrars are obliged and solely empowered to issue to any person who so requests certificates, copies or extracts of entries entered in the register and deeds filed in the annex, except in respect of struck-off entries and accounting documents, which shall be communicated under conditions laid down by the order provided for in Article R. 123-166.
Requests submitted to registrars may relate to: 1° Individual files or a group of files; in the second case, they correspond to the search criteria defined by the order provided for in Article R. 123-166; 2° On registrations and deeds filed, or on the future status of files; in the second case, they give rise to the issue of information at intervals defined by the aforementioned order.
The registrars shall comply with the requests provided for in Article R. 123-150 by the issue either of a complete copy of the entries made in the register concerning the same person or of one or more deeds filed, or of an extract indicating the state of registration on the date on which the extract is issued, or of a certificate stating that a person is not registered. The copy,…
Copies, extracts or certificates may be issued by the registrars by electronic means under the conditions provided for in article R. 741-5
The extracts or certificates referred to in the last paragraph of Article R. 123-152 are issued by the court clerks on an electronic medium under the following conditions: 1° They are drawn up using a system for processing, storing and transmitting information that guarantees the integrity of its content and is approved by the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce ; 2° The information communication systems implemented by…
For proceedings opened on or after 1 January 2006, the following may not be disclosed: 1° Judgments handed down in safeguard proceedings in the event of closure of the proceedings pursuant to article L. 622-12 and in the event of execution of the plan recorded pursuant to article L. 626-28 ; 2° Judgements handed down in respect of receivership proceedings in the event of closure of the proceedings pursuant to…
Annual accounts which are accompanied by a declaration of confidentiality of the annual accounts pursuant to Article R. 123-111-1 may only be issued to companies that have filed them and to the authorities, legal entities and institutions referred to in the third paragraph of Article L. 232-25. Annual accounts that are accompanied by a simplified publication statement pursuant to Article R. 123-111-1 may only be issued in full to companies…
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