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Article L6333-7-1 of the French Labour Code

The Caisse des dépôts et consignations, the government departments responsible for competition, consumer affairs and fraud control and those responsible for monitoring vocational training mentioned in Chapter I of Title VI of this book, the funding bodies mentioned in Article L. 6316-1, the certifying bodies and labelling bodies mentioned in article L. 6316-2, the ministries and certifying bodies mentioned in article L. 6113-2 and France Compétences may exchange, spontaneously or…

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Article L6341-1 of the French Labour Code

The State, the regions, the employers and the skills operators contribute to the financing of the remuneration of vocational training trainees. The institution mentioned in article L. 5312-1 also contributes, where applicable on behalf of the body mentioned in article L. 5427-1, in particular under the conditions set out in article L. 1233-68.

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Article L6341-2 of the French Labour Code

The training courses for which the State and the regions contribute to the financing of the trainee’s remuneration, when he is following a training course approved under the conditions laid down in article L. 6341-4, are : 1° Training courses taken by employees on the initiative of their employer ; 2° Training courses for self-employed persons as provided for in article L. 6341-7 ; 3° Training courses for jobseekers who…

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Article L6341-3 of the French Labour Code

The training courses for which the regions provide funding for the remuneration of trainees, when they are following a training course approved under the conditions laid down in article L. 6341-4, are : 1° (Repealed) 2° Training courses for workers recognised as disabled pursuant to article L. 5213-1; 3° (Repealed) 4° Traineeships for persons in custody.

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Article L6341-4 of the French Labour Code

Within the limits of their respective competences, approval for training courses is granted : 1° As regards the State, by the administrative authority ; 2° As regards the regions, by decision of the regional council; 3° In the case of skills operators, by decision of the board of directors.

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Article L6341-6 of the French Labour Code

The local authorities responsible for managing the remuneration of vocational training trainees are responsible for receiving and providing information to trainees, ensuring that payment of this remuneration is made promptly, keeping the records required to calculate their pension rights and transmitting information relating to trainees, the list of which is set by decree, to the State services. Each month, the local authorities mentioned in the first paragraph of this article…

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Article L6341-7 of the French Labour Code

When they follow approved training courses under the conditions set out in Article L. 6341-4, jobseekers and self-employed workers receive remuneration, the minimum amount of which is determined by decree. This remuneration may be combined with remuneration received in respect of an employed or self-employed activity, subject to compliance with the training obligations, under conditions determined by the authority approving these training courses on the basis of the same article…

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Article L6341-10 of the French Labour Code

Under certain conditions defined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat, the trainee may benefit from a loan granted by the State or by approved organisations receiving assistance from the State. This loan may be combined with any allowances received under the provisions of this title.

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