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Article L312-50 of the French Consumer Code

The seller or service provider may not receive any payment from the purchaser in any form whatsoever, nor any deposit, in addition to the part of the price that the purchaser has agreed to pay in cash, until the contract relating to the credit transaction has been definitively concluded. If a direct debit authorisation is signed by the purchaser, its validity and effect are subject to that of the contract…

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Article L312-51 of the French Consumer Code

In the case of door-to-door sales or canvassing, the withdrawal period is fourteen completed calendar days, regardless of the date of delivery or supply of the goods or services. No cash payment may be made before the expiry of this period.

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Article L312-52 of the French Consumer Code

The contract of sale or provision of services is automatically terminated, without compensation: 1° If the creditor has not, within seven days of acceptance of the credit agreement by the borrower, informed the seller of the granting of the credit; 2° Or if the borrower has exercised his right of withdrawal within the period provided for in Article L. 312-19.

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Article L312-53 of the French Consumer Code

In cases where the contract of sale or provision of services provided for in article L. 312-52, the seller or service provider shall reimburse, on simple request, any sum that the buyer may have paid in advance of the price.

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Article L312-54 of the French Consumer Code

Where the consumer exercises his right of withdrawal from the contract of sale or the contract for the provision of services referred to in 9° of Article L. 311-1, the credit agreement intended to finance it is terminated ipso jure without costs or compensation, with the possible exception of the costs incurred in opening the credit file.

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Article L312-55 of the French Consumer Code

In the event of a dispute concerning the performance of the main agreement, the court may, until the dispute has been resolved, suspend the performance of the credit agreement. The credit agreement is automatically cancelled or terminated when the agreement for which it was concluded is itself judicially cancelled or terminated.The provisions of the first paragraph only apply if the creditor has intervened in the proceedings or has been called…

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Article L312-56 of the French Consumer Code

If the judicial cancellation or annulment of the main contract occurs through the fault of the seller, the seller may, at the request of the lender, be ordered to guarantee the borrower repayment of the loan, without prejudice to damages vis-à-vis the lender and the borrower.

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Article L312-57 of the French Consumer Code

Revolving credit means a credit facility which, whether or not accompanied by the use of a credit card, offers its beneficiary the possibility of using the amount of credit granted in instalments, on the dates of their choice.

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