Article L434-12 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum
The conditions for the application of this chapter shall be laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
The conditions for the application of this chapter shall be laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
A foreign national whose application for residence is based on humanitarian considerations or is justified on the basis of the exceptional grounds he or she has put forward may be issued with a temporary residence permit bearing the words “employee”, “temporary worker” or “private and family life”, without the condition set out in article L. 412-1 being applicable. When the administrative authority is considering refusing an application for exceptional admission…
The foreign national taken in by the organisations mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 265-1 of the code de l’action sociale et des familles and who can provide proof of three years’ uninterrupted employment with the latter, the real and serious nature of this employment and their prospects of integration, may be issued with a temporary residence permit bearing the wording “employee”, “temporary worker” or “private and family…
In exceptional cases, foreign nationals who have been placed in the care of child welfare or a trustworthy third party between the ages of sixteen and eighteen and who can prove that they have been undergoing training for at least six months with a view to obtaining a vocational qualification may, in the year following their eighteenth birthday, be issued with a temporary residence permit marked “employee” or “temporary worker”,…
With the exception of provisional residence permits, the issue and renewal of a residence permit give rise to the collection of a fee set at 200 euros. This amount is reduced to 50 euros for foreign nationals who are issued with a residence permit on the basis of articles L. 421-34, L. 422-1 to L. 422-6, L. 422-10 to L. 422-12, L. 422-14, L. 423-14, L. 423-15, L. 426-5, L….
The provision of duplicates gives rise to the collection of a fee of the same amount as that applicable when renewing the residence permit for the same reason.
The issue, renewal and supply of duplicates of travel documents issued to foreign minors on the basis of article L. 414-4 give rise to the collection, of a fee of 50 euros.
Without prejudice to the provisions of article L. 412-1, prior to the issue of a first residence permit, a foreign national who has entered France without the documents and visas required by the international conventions and regulations in force or who, aged over eighteen, has not, after a period of three months or a longer period set by decree by the Conseil d’Etat has elapsed since entering France, has not…
Without prejudice to the provisions of article L. 411-2, the renewal of a residence permit applied for after the expiry of the period required for submitting the application gives rise, except in cases of force majeure or presentation of a valid visa, to the payment of a regularisation visa fee of 180 euros.
Articles L. 436-1 to L. 436-5 apply, depending on the case, to the application, issue, renewal and supply of duplicates of residence permits and travel documents for foreign minors provided for by international treaties or agreements, unless otherwise stipulated by these treaties or agreements.
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