Article L613-30 of the French Intellectual Property Code
The articles 815 and following, articles 1873-1 and following, as well as articles 883 et seq. of the Civil Code do not apply to co-ownership of a patent application or patent.
The articles 815 and following, articles 1873-1 and following, as well as articles 883 et seq. of the Civil Code do not apply to co-ownership of a patent application or patent.
The co-owner of a patent application or patent may notify the other co-owners that he is surrendering his share to them. With effect from the entry of such abandonment in the National Patent Register or, in the case of a patent application which has not yet been published, with effect from its notification to the National Institute of Industrial Property, the said co-owner shall be discharged from all obligations towards…
The provisions of Articles L. 613-29 to L. 613-31 apply in the absence of stipulations to the contrary. Co-owners may derogate from this at any time by co-ownership regulations.
This section relates to the application of: 1° of the Convention signed in Munich on 5 October 1973, hereinafter referred to as the “Munich Convention”; 2° the Agreement on a Unified Patent Jurisdiction signed in Brussels on 19 February 2013, hereinafter referred to as the “Unified Patent Jurisdiction Agreement”; 3° Regulation (EU) No 1257/2012 of 17 December 2012 implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent…
A European patent application may be filed with the National Institute of Industrial Property either at its headquarters or, where necessary, at its regional centres, in accordance with procedures to be specified by regulation. The application must be filed with the National Institute of Industrial Property, where the applicant has his domicile or registered office in France and does not claim the priority of an earlier filing in France.
The Minister responsible for defence is authorised to take cognisance at the Institut national de la propriété industrielle, on a confidential basis, of European patent applications filed at that institute.
Inventions which are the subject of European patent applications, filed with the National Institute of Industrial Property, may not be disclosed and freely exploited until authorisation has been granted to do so. During this period, applications may not be made public; no true copies may be issued unless authorised. The authorisations provided for in the first and second paragraphs of this article are granted by the Minister responsible for industrial…
Before the end of either of the periods mentioned in the last paragraph of article L. 614-4, the prohibitions provided for in the said article may be extended, at the request of the Minister for Defence, for a renewable period of one year. In this case, the request is not forwarded to the European Patent Office. Extended prohibitions may be lifted at any time. In the event of the prohibitions…
A European patent application may only be converted into a French patent application in the case provided for in Article 135-1 (a) of the Munich Convention. In this case and on pain of rejection of his French patent application, the applicant must satisfy the conditions which are laid down by regulation. If a search report has been drawn up before conversion of the application, this report takes the place of…
The text of the European patent application or the European patent drafted in the language of proceedings before the European Patent Office created by the Munich Convention shall be the authentic text. In the event of litigation relating to a European patent the text of which is not drafted in French, the patent proprietor shall provide, at his own expense, at the request of the alleged infringer or at the…
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