Article R3116-17 of the French Public Health Code
Repeated offences under article R. 3116-16 are punishable in accordance with articles 132-11 and 132-15 of the French Criminal Code.
Repeated offences under article R. 3116-16 are punishable in accordance with articles 132-11 and 132-15 of the French Criminal Code.
The role of the National Council for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Chronic Viral Hepatitis is to give its opinion on all the problems posed to society by these diseases and to make any useful proposals to the Government. As part of its opinions, it may take an interest in social issues relating to sexually transmitted infections, which affect the same groups as HIV infection and viral hepatitis B…
The President of the National Assembly, the President of the Senate or a member of the Government may refer matters to the Council. It may also deal with any matter within its remit.
The Chairman of the Council is appointed by decree of the President of the Republic for a term of five years, renewable once.
In addition to its Chairman, the Council comprises twenty-five people: 1° Five persons representing the main philosophical and spiritual families, appointed by the President of the Republic ; 2° One member of the National Assembly and one member of the Senate appointed by the presidents of these assemblies; 3° Twelve qualified personalities, appointed by decree of the Prime Minister on the proposal of the Minister for Health, in accordance with…
The list of members of the Council, appointed under the conditions set out in article D. 3121-4, is set by decree of the Prime Minister.
Permanent experts, chosen from among persons specially qualified by their work in areas within the Council’s remit, and appointed by order of the Minister for Health on the recommendation of the Council Chairman, may also be appointed to assist the Council. They are heard as and when required.
The term of office for each member of the Board is five years. It may be renewed once.
The Board’s deliberations are not public. Voting shall be by secret ballot by decision of the Chairman or at the request of one of the members present. The Board may only deliberate if the majority of its members are present.
The Board may hear any qualified person called upon by its Chairman to provide an opinion or expertise relating to any item on the agenda. These hearings may be made public by decision of the Board.
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