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Article 39 G of the French General Tax Code

For the application of 2° of 1 of Article 39, the depreciation of buildings that have given entitlement to the tax reduction provided for in l’article 199 sexvicies are only allowed as a deduction from the taxable income of the beneficiary of this tax reduction to the extent of those made on the fraction of the cost price of the buildings exceeding the amount used to calculate this tax reduction….

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Article 39 bis of the French General Tax Code

1. In companies operating either a newspaper or a monthly or fortnightly magazine devoted for the most part to political information, provisions made from profits made during the financial years 1951 to 1969, with a view to acquiring equipment, furniture and other assets necessary for the operation of the newspaper, or to cover expenditure likely to be charged to an account of start-up costs, shall be allowed as a deduction…

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Article 39 bis A of the French General Tax Code

1. Companies operating either a daily newspaper, or a publication with a monthly frequency at most devoted for the most part to political and general information, or an online press service recognised pursuant to the article 1 of law no. 86-897 of 1 August 1986 reforming the legal status of the press, largely devoted to political and general information, are authorised to set aside a provision deductible from taxable income…

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Article 39 bis B of the French General Tax Code

1. Companies operating an online press service, recognised pursuant to Article 1 of Act no. 86-897 of 1 August 1986 reforming the legal status of the press, developing professional information or promoting access to knowledge and a ̀ the formation and dissemination of thought, the debate of ideas, general culture and scientific research, are authorised to set aside a provision deductible from taxable income for financial years ending on or…

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Article 39 ter C of the French General Tax Code

Par exception aux dispositions du premier alinéa du 5° du 1 de Article 39, the provision set aside to cover the costs of dismantling, removing installations or restoring a site, which result from a legal, regulatory or contractual obligation or a commitment by the company, and incurred or formalised either when the installation or site is acquired or brought into service, or during its use, is not deductible.To the extent…

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Article 39 quinquies of the French General Tax Code

Non-repayable assistance provided to sociétés d’habitations à loyer modéré, sociétés de crédit immobilier and companies or bodies whose purpose is the construction of residential buildings and whose list is set by decree may be charged to the overheads account, under conditions that are also set by decree (1).

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Article 39 quinquies C of the French General Tax Code

1 Industrial and commercial companies that subscribe to the capital of companies that have entered into an agreement with the State under the conditions provided for in Article 1 of Ordinance no. 59-248 of 4 February 1959 may, as soon as their subscription is paid, make an exceptional write-down equal to the amount of this payment and deductible for the purposes of determining the tax on profits (1). The provisions…

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Article 39 quinquies D of the French General Tax Code

Companies that build or have built, before 1 January 2016, buildings for industrial or commercial use for the needs of their business in the rural regeneration zones mentioned in Article 1465 A may, upon completion of the buildings, take exceptional depreciation equal to 25% of their cost price, with the residual value being depreciable over the normal period of use. The provisions of the first paragraph also apply to renovation…

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Article 39 quinquies DA of the French General Tax Code

Equipment acquired or manufactured before 1 January 2011 that appears on a list drawn up by joint order of the Minister for the Budget and the Minister for the Environment and that is intended to reduce the noise level of installations existing on 31 December 1990, may be the subject of exceptional depreciation over twelve months from the date on which it is brought into service.

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Article 39 quinquies E of the French General Tax Code

Companies that build or have built buildings intended for the purification of industrial water, in accordance with the provisions of the loi n° 64-1245 du 16 décembre 1964 as amended, may, upon completion of these buildings, take exceptional depreciation equal to 50% of their cost price. The residual value of the buildings may be depreciated over their normal useful life. The provisions of this article apply to buildings completed before…

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