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Article L311-53 of the French Insurance Code

I.-When it adopts a resolution measure in respect of a person referred to in Article L. 311-1, the collège de résolution shall notify its decision : 1° the Minister for the Economy and, where applicable, the Minister for Mutual Societies or the Minister for Social Security ; 2° To the supervisory board ; 3° To the fund(s) concerned, including the guarantee fund for compulsory non-life insurance, the guarantee fund for…

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Article L311-54 of the French Insurance Code

The annulment of the measures taken in application of this section does not affect the validity of the acts taken for their application when the calling into question of these acts is likely to harm the interests of the policyholders, subscribers, employers, subscribing legal entities, members, participants and beneficiaries, except in the case of fraud on their part. In this case, the compensation of the claimants is limited to the…

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Article L311-56 of the French Insurance Code

Notwithstanding the provisions of Act No. 68-678 of 26 July 1968 relating to the disclosure of economic, commercial, industrial, financial or technical documents and information to foreign natural or legal persons, the collège de résolution and the collège de supervision may, in the performance of their prevention and resolution duties, exchange information covered by professional secrecy with : 1° The Minister for the Economy, the Minister for Mutual Societies or…

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Article L311-57 of the French Insurance Code

Notwithstanding the provisions of Law no. 68-678 of 26 July 1968 relating to the communication of economic, commercial, industrial, financial or technical documents and information to foreign natural or legal persons, the collège de résolution and the collège de supervision may, for the performance of their prevention and resolution duties, exchange information covered by professional secrecy with : 1° Authorities exercising equivalent functions in other Member States of the European…

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Article L311-58 of the French Insurance Code

The collège de résolution shall draw up and update the preventive resolution plans referred to in Article L. 311-8 and shall, if necessary, carry out the assessment provided for in Section 4, after consulting the resolution authorities of the other States concerned.

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Article L311-59 of the French Insurance Code

I.-For persons referred to in Article L. 311-1 who have subsidiaries established abroad and for persons referred to in Article L. 311-1 belonging to a cross-border group in which at least one of the entities belongs to the insurance sector and at least one of the entities belongs to the banking or investment services sector or to a cross-border group subject to the supplementary supervision of financial conglomerates pursuant toArticle…

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Article L311-60 of the French Insurance Code

For the persons mentioned in Article L. 311-1 that are entities of a group whose ultimate parent undertaking is established abroad, the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution shall cooperate with the competent counterpart authorities under the conditions set out in I of Article L. 311-57. In order to facilitate this cooperation, the Autorité may participate in colleges of counterpart competent authorities for group entities established abroad. It may…

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Article L321-1 of the French Insurance Code

The undertakings referred to in 1° of Article L. 310-2 may not commence their operations until they have obtained an administrative authorisation issued by the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution referred to in Article L. 612-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code. However, this authorisation is not required for reinsurance acceptance operations. Approval is granted at the request of the undertaking, for operations in one or more classes…

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