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Article L385-7 of the French Insurance Code

Without prejudice to their other information obligations, supplementary occupational pension funds shall publish an annual report on their solvency and financial situation. In the event of a major event significantly affecting the relevance of the information contained in this report, the funds shall publish information on the nature and effects of this event. Supplementary occupational pension funds shall put in place appropriate structures and systems to meet the requirements set…

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Article L385-7-1 of the French Insurance Code

I.-The provisions of I of article L. 533-22 of the Monetary and Financial Code are applicable to supplementary occupational pension funds, insofar as they invest in shares admitted to trading on a regulated market, either directly or through the intermediary of a portfolio management company mentioned in article L. 532-9 of the same code, with the exception of those which exclusively manage FIAs covered by I of article L. 214-167…

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Article L385-8 of the French Insurance Code

Without prejudice to its powers under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter II of Title I of Book VI of the Monetary and Financial Code, the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution may require supplementary occupational pension funds to submit a recovery plan, a convergence plan or a short-term financing plan. In the light of the results of the stress tests referred to in Article L. 385-3, the measures…

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Article L385-9 of the French Insurance Code

Supplementary occupational pension funds belonging to a group within the meaning of Article L. 356-1 are subject to group supervision under the conditions laid down in Chapter VI of Title V of Book III, without prejudice to the sector-specific rules applicable to them. Supplementary occupational pension funds belonging to a financial conglomerate within the meaning of Article L. 517-3 of the Monetary and Financial Code are subject to supplementary supervision…

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Article L385-10 of the French Insurance Code

Except for the purposes of constituting the solvency margin referred to in Article L. 385-2, supplementary occupational pension funds shall not take out loans or act as guarantors for third parties. The Autorité de contrôle prudentiel may, however, authorise a supplementary occupational pension fund to take out a loan for liquidity purposes on a temporary basis.

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Article L390-1 of the French Insurance Code

This Book is applicable in the Wallis and Futuna Islands, with the exception of Article L. 322-3-2 and Titles V, VI and VII. The provisions of the first paragraph apply to insurance undertakings established in the Wallis and Futuna Islands, including those which, by way of derogation from the provisions of Article L. 310-3-1, are likely to fall under the so-called “Solvency II” regime. Articles L. 310-1-1-1 and L. 322-26-7…

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