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Article L351-7 of the French Insurance Code

When insurance and reinsurance undertakings, or the parent undertakings referred to in 3° of Article L. 356-15, no longer hold sufficient eligible own funds to cover their Solvency Capital Requirement or Minimum Capital Requirement, distributions relating to certain own funds items are subject to limitations. Depending on the own funds item concerned, these restrictions consist of either a prohibition or a deferral of such distributions. They also apply in the…

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Article L352-1 of the French Insurance Code

I.- Insurance and reinsurance undertakings shall hold eligible own funds covering the Solvency Capital Requirement. The Solvency Capital Requirement shall be calculated either using the standard formula or using a full or partial internal model approved by the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution. II – The Board of Directors or the Management Board of the undertaking shall give its approval to the application for approval of the internal…

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Article L352-2 of the French Insurance Code

Where the application of the standard formula proves inappropriate for calculating the Solvency Capital Requirement of an insurance or reinsurance undertaking whose risk profile deviates significantly from the assumptions underlying the calculation in accordance with that formula, the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution may, in a reasoned decision, require the undertaking concerned to use an internal model to calculate its Solvency Capital Requirement or the relevant risk modules…

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Article L352-3 of the French Insurance Code

I.-The Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution may, by reasoned decision, impose an additional capital requirement on insurance and reinsurance undertakings in any of the following exceptional circumstances, where it concludes from its supervisory process that : 1° The risk profile of the undertaking deviates significantly from the assumptions underlying the calculation of the Solvency Capital Requirement using the standard formula referred to in Article L. 352-1 and the…

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Article L352-7 of the French Insurance Code

Insurance and reinsurance undertakings shall immediately inform the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution if they become aware that the Solvency Capital Requirement no longer complies with the provisions of Article L. 352-1 or that there is a risk that it will no longer do so within the next three months. They submit a realistic recovery plan to the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution for approval within…

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