Article D3141-6 of the French Labour Code
The order of departure for leave is communicated by any means to each employee one month before his departure.
The order of departure for leave is communicated by any means to each employee one month before his departure.
The payment of holiday pay is subject to the rules set out in Book II for the payment of wages.
The end-of-assignment indemnity provided for in Article L. 1251-32 is taken into account when determining the total remuneration provided for in Article L. 3141-24.
An employer who is a member of a paid leave fund, in application of article L. 3141-32, shall issue the employee, in the event of termination of the employment contract, with a certificate justifying his entitlement to leave, taking into account the length of his service.
With a view to determining entitlement to leave and, where applicable, calculating the compensation to be paid to beneficiaries, the paid leave funds will, when calculating the length of service, take into account the length of service completed with employers whose membership of a leave fund is compulsory.
The approval of the controllers of the paid leave funds is issued for a period not exceeding five years by order of the prefect of the department in which the head office of the fund to which they belong is located. It is renewable.
In companies carrying out one or more activities falling within the scope of the extended national collective agreements for building and public works, holiday entitlement is provided on the basis of these agreements by funds set up for this purpose. However, when the company applies, as its main activity, a national collective agreement other than those mentioned in the previous paragraph and subject to an agreement concluded, in accordance with…
The scheme provided for in this sub-section applies to quarries annexed to the undertakings mentioned in the first paragraph of Article D. 3141-12 as well as to workshops, worksites and other establishments working exclusively for the operation and maintenance of these undertakings, whether or not they are annexed to them.
The scheme provided for in this section also applies to the companies not established in France referred to in Articles L. 1262-1 and L. 1262-2.
Special membership rules may be defined by agreement between the national overcompensation fund mentioned in Article D. 3141-22 and the employers’ organisations representing a professional branch other than that of building and public works when the companies affiliated to these employers’ organisations carry out, on a secondary or ancillary basis, one or more activities involving their membership of the funds mentioned in Article D. 3141-12.
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