Article D3141-36 of the French Labour Code
For the application of the laws and regulations relating to paid holidays, the paid holiday funds are subject to the supervision of the Labour Inspectorate in the professions concerned.
For the application of the laws and regulations relating to paid holidays, the paid holiday funds are subject to the supervision of the Labour Inspectorate in the professions concerned.
The employer must at all times provide proof to the Labour Inspectorate, police officers and authorised inspectors of the affiliation fund to which he is affiliated, that he is up to date with his obligations to the fund.
In the event of a dispute, the Industrial Tribunal, to which the matter has been referred in accordance with Article L. 3142-3, shall have final jurisdiction.
The bereavement leave provided for in article L. 3142-1-1 may be split into two periods. Each period shall last at least one day.
The chronic diseases referred to in 5° of Article L. 3142-1 and 6° of Article L. 3142-4 are: 1° Chronic diseases covered under Articles D. 160-4 and R. 160-12 of the Social Security Code; 2° Rare diseases listed in the Orphanet nomenclature mentioned in Article 13 of Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare;…
The period of leave provided for in 3° bis of article L. 3142-1 begins to run, at the employee’s choice, either during the seven-day period preceding the child’s arrival at home, or on the day the child arrives at home or on the first working day following this arrival.
If the leave is split, the minimum duration of each period of leave is one day.
Without prejudice to the provisions of the third paragraph of article L. 3142-7, the employee shall inform the employer at the time of requesting the leave by any means giving a date certain of the foreseeable date of his return. If this date changes, the employee shall inform the employer at least three days before his return.
In the event of a dispute, the Industrial Tribunal, to which the matter has been referred in accordance with Article L. 3142-13, shall have final jurisdiction.
In the absence of an agreement or arrangement as referred to in article L. 3142-14, the employee shall inform the employer by any means that provides a date certain, at least fifteen days before the start of the family solidarity leave, of his wish to suspend his employment contract for this reason, of the date of his departure on leave and, where applicable, of his request for the leave to…
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