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Article L2312-71 of the French Labour Code

When the Social and Economic Committee becomes aware of facts likely to characterise an abusive use of fixed-term employment contracts, contracts concluded with a freelance administration company and temporary work, or when it notes a significant increase in the number of employees holding fixed-term employment contracts and assignment contracts, it may refer the matter to the Labour Inspectorate monitoring officer referred to in Article L. 8112-1. Without prejudice to its…

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Article L2312-72 of the French Labour Code

In companies, two members of the staff delegation of the social and economic committee, one belonging to the category of managerial, technical and supervisory staff and the other to the category of white-collar and blue-collar staff, attend all meetings of the board of directors or the supervisory board, as the case may be, in an advisory capacity. In companies with three electoral colleges, in application of article L. 2314-11, the…

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Article L2312-73 of the French Labour Code

The members of the staff delegation on the Board of Directors or the Supervisory Board are entitled to the same documents as those sent or given to the members of these bodies at their meetings. They may submit the wishes of the Social and Economic Committee to the Board of Directors or the Supervisory Board, which shall give a reasoned opinion on such wishes.

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Article L2312-74 of the French Labour Code

In the companies referred to inArticle 1 of Law no. 83-675 of 26 July 1983 on the democratisation of the public sector, with the exception of those listed in Annex III of this law, and in the companies covered by I of Article 7 of Order no. 2014-948 of 20 August 2014 on the governance and capital transactions of companies with public shareholdings, the social and economic committee is represented…

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Article L2312-75 of the French Labour Code

In sociétés anonymes and sociétés en commandite par actions in which the board of directors or supervisory board includes at least one director or one member elected or appointed by the employees under Articles L. 225-27, L. 225-27-1, L. 225-79, L. 225-79-2 and L. 226-5-1 of the French Commercial Code, the Social and Economic Committee is represented on these boards by a full member of the Social and Economic Committee…

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Article L2312-76 of the French Labour Code

In simplified joint stock companies, the Articles of Association shall specify the corporate body to which the members of the staff delegation of the Social and Economic Committee shall exercise the rights defined by this sub-section.

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Article L2312-77 of the French Labour Code

In companies, the social and economic committee may apply to the courts for the appointment of an agent to convene the general meeting of shareholders in an emergency. It may also request the inclusion of draft resolutions on the agenda of general meetings. Two members of the Board, appointed by the Social and Economic Committee, one from the category of managerial, technical and supervisory staff, the other from the category…

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Article L2312-78 of the French Labour Code

The social and economic committee ensures, controls or participates in the management of all social and cultural activities established in the company, primarily for the benefit of employees, their families and trainees, regardless of how they are financed, under conditions determined by decree in the Council of State. This decree determines in particular the conditions under which the powers of the committee may be delegated to bodies set up by…

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Article L2312-80 of the French Labour Code

The social and economic committee ensures or supervises the management of physical or sporting activities and may decide to participate in their financing. It also issues an opinion on the conclusion of agreements, as provided for inarticle L. 221-8 of the French Sports Code, designed to facilitate the employment of top-level sportsmen and women, referees or judges and their professional retraining.

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