Article R8124-26 of the French Labour Code
Officers shall at all times treat all persons present at the workplace or in the accommodation of the workers under their supervision with courtesy.
Officers shall at all times treat all persons present at the workplace or in the accommodation of the workers under their supervision with courtesy.
When inspectors observe infringements or breaches of the regulations, they act with discernment and diligence in their choice of action. They are free to decide what action to take in response to their actions and findings. They may give advice or make observations, refer the matter to the judicial authorities or take administrative action.
When an inspector observes or is informed of a serious or fatal accident at work, or of any incident that could have had serious consequences, he will conduct an investigation and inform his department, which will in turn inform the central authority. If necessary, he will refer the matter to the competent authorities.
The inspector will ensure that the users concerned are informed of the outcome of the inspection, in accordance with the procedures laid down by the legislation in force.
Labour inspectors at all levels of the hierarchy ensure compliance with this Code.
Enforcement officers take an oath to perform their duties in accordance with this Code. The oath is taken at the time of their first assignment to a control unit, in open court, before the president of the judicial court within whose jurisdiction their place of assignment is located. The wording of the oath is as follows: “I undertake to perform my supervisory duties with dignity, impartiality, integrity, neutrality and probity….
Without prejudice to the powers of the ethics officer provided for in article 28 bis of the aforementioned Act of 13 July 1983, employees involved in labour inspection activities may refer to the Conseil national de l’inspection du travail (National Labour Inspection Council) any action taken by an administrative authority that is likely to directly and personally undermine the conditions in which they must be able to carry out their…
Without prejudice to the powers of the Conseil national de l’inspection du travail, employees of the labour inspection system may refer any matter falling within the scope of the latter’s duties to the ethics officer.
When the court has ordered the dissemination of its decision under the conditions provided for in the sixth paragraph of Article L. 8224-3, the second sentence of 4° of Article L. 8256-3 and the last paragraph of Articles L. 8224-5, L. 8234-1, L. 8234-2, L. 8243-1, L. 8243-2 and L. 8256-7, this dissemination is ensured by the services of the Minister of Labour on a section of the Ministry’s website,…
When a natural or legal person is convicted by a criminal judgment for one of the offences of illegal employment mentioned in Articles L. 8224-1, L. 8224-2, L. 8224-5, L. 8234-1, L. 8234-2, L. 8243-1, L. 8256-2 and L. 8256-7 to an additional penalty of publication of the criminal decision on the dedicated section of the Ministry’s website, the court registry will forward the decision to the central administration of…
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