Article R4452-3 of the French Labour Code
The employer shall ensure that workers exposed to artificial optical radiation receive information on the possible risks associated with this type of radiation.
The employer shall ensure that workers exposed to artificial optical radiation receive information on the possible risks associated with this type of radiation.
Reducing the risks of exposure to artificial optical radiation is based on the general principles of prevention mentioned in Article L. 4121-2.
Exposure of workers must not exceed the exposure limit values for incoherent radiation other than that emitted by natural sources of optical radiation laid down in Annex I at the end of this chapter.
Exposure of workers must not exceed the exposure limit values for laser radiation set out in Annex II at the end of this chapter.
The employer shall assess the risks resulting from exposure to artificial optical radiation, in particular in order to verify compliance with the exposure limit values defined in Articles R. 4452-5 and R. 4452-6. If an assessment based on available technical documentary data does not lead to the conclusion that there is no risk, the employer shall calculate and, where appropriate, measure the levels of artificial optical radiation to which workers…
When carrying out the risk assessment, the employer shall take into consideration: 1° The level, wavelength range and duration of exposure to artificial sources of optical radiation; 2° The exposure limit values defined in articles R. 4452-5 and R. 4452-6; 3° Any impact on the health and safety of workers; 4° Any possible impact on the health and safety of workers resulting from interactions, in the workplace, between artificial optical…
The risk assessment is carried out by the employer after consulting the social and economic committee, with the assistance, where appropriate, of the occupational health service. This assessment is renewed periodically, in particular when a change in the installations or working methods is likely to alter the levels of exposure to artificial optical radiation and in the case provided for in Article R. 4452-30. If exposure levels are measured, this…
The results of the risk assessment are recorded in the single risk assessment document provided for in article R. 4121-1. They are communicated by the employer to the occupational physician and to the social and economic committee. They are also made available, at their request, to the Labour Inspectorate, to agents of the prevention departments of social security organisations and to the health, safety and working conditions organisations mentioned in…
Where the results of the risk assessment show that there is the slightest possibility of workers’ exposure limit values being exceeded, the employer shall determine the preventive measures, training and health monitoring to be taken, in accordance with the provisions of sections 5, 6 and 7.
A joint order by the ministers for labour and agriculture specifies the procedures for risk assessment and for calculating and measuring levels of artificial optical radiation.
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