Article L2231-5 of the French Labour Code
The earliest of the signatory organisations to an agreement or arrangement notifies the text to all representative organisations at the end of the signature procedure.
The earliest of the signatory organisations to an agreement or arrangement notifies the text to all representative organisations at the end of the signature procedure.
Branch, group, inter-company, company and establishment agreements are made public and included in a national database, the content of which is published online in an easily reusable open standard. They are published in a version that does not include the full names of the negotiators and signatories. After the conclusion of the group, inter-company, company or establishment agreement, the parties may agree that part of the agreement need not be…
Agreements are filed in accordance with the conditions laid down by regulation.
Any objection to the entry into force of an agreement must be made in writing and must state the reasons for the objection. It shall specify the points of disagreement. The signatories shall be notified of any such objection.
Agreements subject to majority opposition and those which have not obtained the approval of the majority of employees, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter II, are deemed to be unwritten.
The territorial scope of application of cross-industry agreements may be national, regional or local.
The validity of a cross-industry agreement is subject to its signature by one or more representative employee trade union organisations that have received, in the elections taken into account for the measurement of the audience provided for in 3° of article L. 2122-9, at least 30% of the votes cast in favour of organisations recognised as representative at this level, whatever the number of voters, and in the absence of…
The recognised representativeness of a category-based trade union organisation affiliated to a category-based trade union confederation in respect of the employees it is statutorily entitled to represent gives it the right to negotiate any provision applicable to that category of employees. When the cross-industry agreement only concerns a specific professional category covered by an electoral college, its validity is subject to its signature by one or more representative employee trade…
The cross-industry agreements include, for the benefit of company employees taking part in negotiations, as well as in meetings of the joint bodies they set up, stipulations relating to the procedures for exercising the right to be absent, compensation for loss of wages or the maintenance of wages, as well as compensation for travel expenses.
Inter-professional agreements set up joint interpretation committees.
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