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Article 67-0 quater of the French Customs Code

In the event of the commission of a flagrant offence punishable by a prison sentence other than those provided for in this Code, customs officers may arrest the alleged offender with a view to handing him over to a judicial police officer or, in the case of offences for which he is competent, to a customs officer authorised pursuant toArticle 28-1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, on the instructions…

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Article 67 quater of the French Customs Code

As from the date of entry into force of the Convention signed in Schengen on 19 June 1990, customs officers vested with the duties of head of post or officials designated by them holding the grade of controller or higher may, in an area between the land border of France with the States party to the said Convention and a line drawn 20 kilometres below, as well as in areas…

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Article 67 quinquies A of the French Customs Code

Customs officers may call upon any qualified person to carry out technical expert appraisals necessary for the performance of their duties and may submit to them objects, samples and documents useful for such appraisals. The persons so called upon shall draw up a report containing a description of the expertise operations and their conclusions. This report is communicated to the customs officers and is attached to the proceedings. In urgent…

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Article 67 quinquies B of the French Customs Code

In the event of goods being inspected under European customs regulations or as part of the application of this Code, customs officers may take samples or have samples taken for analysis or expert appraisal, under conditions laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.

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Article 67 quinquies of the French Customs Code

In order to investigate and establish offences under this Code relating to tobacco, customs officials in categories A and B have access to information contained in the processing operations provided for in Article L. 3512-24 of the Public Health Code, under the conditions set out in Article L. 80 N of the Book of Tax Procedures. In the event of an offence being recorded, the result of consultation of the…

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Article 67 sexies of the French Customs Code

I. – Express freight companies carrying out the activities mentioned in 4.2 of Annex 30a to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 establishing the Community Customs Code, and postal service providers shall transmit to the Directorate-General for Customs and Indirect Taxation the data they hold relating to the identification of the goods and objects transported…

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Article 67 A of the French Customs Code

With regard to duties and taxes levied in accordance with the rules, guarantees, privileges and penalties set out in this Code, any finding likely to lead to taxation gives rise to a prior exchange of views between the taxpayer and the administration. With regard to duties and taxes whose chargeable event is the import or export of goods, the prior adversarial exchange shall take place in accordance with the procedures…

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Article 67 B of the French Customs Code

The taxpayer is informed of the reasons for and the amount of the tax due by any official of the customs and excise administration. They are invited to make their observations known. He is also informed of the points which, having been examined by the administration under the conditions provided for in the penultimate paragraph of II and III of article 345 bis, do not contain any errors, inaccuracies, omissions…

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Article 67 C of the French Customs Code

Where the adversarial exchange takes place orally, the taxpayer is informed that he may request to benefit from the written communication provided for in Article 67 D. The date, time and content of the oral communication referred to in the first paragraph of this article are recorded by the tax authorities. This recording certifies, in the absence of proof to the contrary, that the administration has allowed the taxpayer concerned…

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Article 67 D of the French Customs Code

If the taxpayer asks to be notified in writing, the tax authorities will hand-deliver a signed copy or send the taxpayer by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by electronic means, in accordance with the procedures set out in the second paragraph of article L. 112-15 of the Code des relations entre le public et l’administration (Code of relations between the public and the tax authorities), a proposal for…

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