Article L224-49 of the French Consumer Code
The costs of setting up and operating the tool are shared by the professionals mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 224-43.
The costs of setting up and operating the tool are shared by the professionals mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 224-43.
Any supplier of a value-added product or service referred to in the first paragraph of Article L. 224-43 retains, for a minimum period of five years after termination of the contractual relationship, the contact details of any co-contracting service provider associated with the promotion of the product or service.
Any provider of a voice communications service, within the meaning of 7° of article L. 32 of the French Post and Electronic Communications Code, offers consumers with whom it has a contractual relationship a system enabling them to report, via text messages, unsolicited calls and text messages from professionals and the telephone number of the sender. This system may be pooled by several of the providers mentioned in the first…
The operators mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 224-43 are informed of the numbers reported concerning them.
The procedures for the reporting mechanism provided for in article L. 224-47 and the methods by which operators are informed of the numbers concerning them pursuant to article L. 224-52 are set by decree.
Any provider of a voice communications service, within the meaning of 7° of Article L. 32 of the French Post and Electronic Communications Code, shall offer consumers a free option to block calls to premium rate numbers in certain value-added number ranges. These number ranges are defined by a joint order of the ministers responsible for consumer affairs and the digital economy, issued after consulting the Autorité de régulation des…
The provisions of this section shall also apply to contracts concluded between professionals and non-professionals.
No sum may be charged to the consumer for a call from mainland France, the overseas departments and regions and the territorial collectivities of Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon to a telephone service where the consumer has been informed, in any form whatsoever, that the call to that service is free of charge. The provisions of this article are applicable to any company offering, directly or through a third party, a…
Subject to the tariff applied for the provision of directory enquiry services, no specific call tariff other than that for a national call may be applied, by mobile telephone operators, to calls made to directory enquiry services.
When they offer to provide a connection following the provision of a telephone number, directory enquiry providers are obliged to inform the consumer of the tariff for this connection. This information must be provided systematically and prior to the consumer’s express acceptance of the contact offer.
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