Article D5134-155 of the French Labour Code
The employment contract is concluded with a person who, on the date of signature, fulfils the conditions of article L. 5134-102.
The employment contract is concluded with a person who, on the date of signature, fulfils the conditions of article L. 5134-102.
Where an employment contract is concluded on a part-time basis, it may not be less than half-time.
The flat-rate State financial aid referred to in Article L. 5134-108 is paid by the National Agency for Social Cohesion and Equal Opportunities. The agency may entrust the management of this aid to the Agence de services et de paiement, under the terms of an agreement.
State aid is paid from the creation of the adult relay post for the periods during which the post is actually occupied. In the case of part-time employment, it is paid in proportion to the working time stipulated in the agreement in relation to full-time employment.
Subject to the cases of termination of the agreement mentioned in article D. 5134-154 and the production of the supporting documents provided for in the agreement, the aid is paid for the duration of the agreement.
The annual amount of aid per full-time post is set by decree. This amount is adjusted annually on 1 July, in proportion to the increase in the minimum growth wage since 1 July of the previous year and rounded to the nearest tenth of a euro.
Unemployed young people aged between sixteen and twenty-five and disabled people aged under thirty who are unemployed on the date the contract is signed and who : 1° Either do not hold any qualifications from the initial training system ; 2° Hold only a vocational diploma or qualification registered in the national register of vocational qualifications provided for in article L. 335-6 of the Education Code and classified at level…
I.-The regional guidance plan defines the territorial strategy for implementing jobs with a future, in particular : 1° The priority industries and sectors of activity for the deployment of jobs with a future, in particular those sectors which have a high potential for job creation or offer prospects for the development of new activities, in line with economic development and skills development strategies at regional level ; 2° The main…
I.-Each year, the Regional Committee for Employment, Training and Vocational Guidance is consulted on the regional guidance plan referred to in article R. 5134-162 and, where applicable, on the results of future employment for the previous year. II – The draft regional policy plan referred to in article R. 5134-162 is drawn up by the Regional Prefect, after consultation with the President of the Regional Council. It is submitted to…
I.-Employers covered by the eighth paragraph of article L. 5134-111 who : 1° Offers the holder of a job with a future a prospect of lasting qualification and professional integration ; 2° Belongs to a sector of activity with a high potential for job creation or offering prospects for the development of new activities. II – The sectors mentioned in 2° of I are set by order of the Regional…
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