Article L4532-11 of the French Labour Code
The opinions expressed by workers employed on the site in the performance of their duties within the inter-company college may not be used as grounds for sanction or dismissal.
The opinions expressed by workers employed on the site in the performance of their duties within the inter-company college may not be used as grounds for sanction or dismissal.
The project owner and the contractor who intends to subcontract part of the work shall include in the contracts concluded with the contractors or subcontractors respectively the obligation to participate in an inter-company safety, health and working conditions committee.
The inter-company safety, health and working conditions committee may define, in particular on a proposal from the coordinator, certain common rules designed to ensure compliance with the safety and health protection measures applicable to the worksite. It checks that all the rules prescribed either by itself or by the coordinator are actually implemented.
The intervention of the inter-company college for safety, health and working conditions does not alter the nature and extent of the responsibilities incumbent on the participants in the building or civil engineering operation pursuant to the other provisions of this code, or the powers of the staff representative bodies responsible for health, safety and working conditions.
Employees appointed as members of the inter-company college have the necessary time, paid as working time, to attend meetings of this college.
Except in the cases provided for in Article L. 4532-7, as the design, study and development phases of the project progress and the work is completed, the project owner shall have a file compiled and completed by the coordinator, containing all the information required to facilitate the prevention of occupational risks during subsequent interventions.
In the case of extremely urgent work whose immediate execution is necessary to prevent serious and imminent accidents or to organise rescue measures, the following obligations do not apply: 1° Submission of the prior declaration provided for in article L. 4532-1 ; 2° Drawing up a general health and safety coordination plan as provided for in article L. 4532-8; 3° Drawing up and sending a specific health and safety protection…
Decrees in the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the conditions of application of this chapter.
Self-employed workers, as well as employers when they are directly involved in an activity on a building or civil engineering site, implement, with regard to other persons working on the site as well as themselves, the general principles of prevention set out in 1°, 2°, 3°, 5° and 6° of article L. 4121-2 as well as the provisions of articles L. 4111-6, L. 4311-1, L. 4321-1, L. 4321-2, L. 4411-1…
The rules for preventing risks to the health and safety of workers resulting from the handling of loads are determined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat issued pursuant to Article L. 4111-6.
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