Article R7123-39 of the French Labour Code
The employees and the social security bodies have a direct claim against the user thus substituted for the sums still owed to the modelling agency by this user for the provision of the employees.
The employees and the social security bodies have a direct claim against the user thus substituted for the sums still owed to the modelling agency by this user for the provision of the employees.
The user who has paid the sums defined in article R. 7123-20 that are still due is subrogated, up to the same amount, to all the rights of the employees and the social security bodies against the modelling agency.
When a social security body sues a user, substituted for a modelling agency due to insufficient security, for the reimbursement of social security benefits for failure to pay the contributions due, the sum claimed may not exceed the amount of the contributions due for the employees temporarily made available to the user by this agency.
Any person wishing to hire or produce a child under the age of sixteen to carry out one of the activities mentioned in 1°, 2°, 3° and 4° of article L. 7124-1 must first submit an application for authorisation to the Prefect of the company’s registered office. If the registered office of the company is abroad or if the company has no fixed registered office, the application is submitted to…
The application for individual authorisation must be accompanied by : 1° A document establishing the child’s civil status ; 2° Written authorisation from the child’s legal representatives, together with a list of jobs previously or currently held by the child; 3° all documents enabling the difficulties and morality of the activity for which the application is made to be assessed; 4° full details of the conditions of employment, remuneration and…
Individual authorisation is granted with the assent of a committee whose composition and mode of operation are determined in section 3.
The application for individual authorisation is examined by the Departmental Director for the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity.
The investigation enables the commission to assess : 1° Whether the activity for which the application is made can, in view of its difficulties and its morality, normally be entrusted to the child ; 2° Whether the child has already been or is currently employed in activities mentioned in 1°, 2°, 3° and 4° of article L. 7124-1 and under what conditions ; 3° Whether, in view of his age,…
For applications for individual authorisations submitted in Ile-de-France, the medical examination provided for in 3° of article R. 7124-5 is carried out by an occupational physician from the interprofessional occupational health service specialising in occupational medicine for performing artists and technicians.
An order from the Minister of Health sets out the checks that must be carried out during the medical examination provided for in 3° of article R. 7124-5 to ensure, depending on the child’s age and state of health, and the duration, rhythm and timetable of the proposed activity, that this activity is not harmful to the child’s health and to determine any contraindications.
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