Article L6212-5 of the French Public Health Code
Only organisations that meet the conditions laid down in this book may use the designation of medical biology laboratory.
Only organisations that meet the conditions laid down in this book may use the designation of medical biology laboratory.
A cooperation contract is a contract signed between several medical biology laboratories, located in the same area determined in application of b of 2° of Article L. 1434-9 or in adjacent areas, with a view to pooling resources for the performance of specific medical biology tests. When the regional health plans are revised or when the boundaries of the areas mentioned in the first paragraph of this article are changed,…
For the purposes of this book, a medical biologist is : 1° Either a doctor holding one of the evidence of formal qualifications mentioned in article L. 4131-1, or a pharmacist holding one of the evidence of formal qualifications mentioned in articles L. 4221-2, L. 4221-4 and L. 4221-5, who also has: a) Or a specialist diploma in medical biology, the list of which is set by order of the…
The following may also practise as medical biologists: 1° From the date of entry into force of Ordinance no. 2010-49 of 13 January 2010 on medical biology, a person who fulfils the conditions for practising medical biology or who has practised medical biology in a public health establishment, in a private health establishment of public interest, at the Etablissement français du sang, or within the armed forces health service, either…
In hospitals and university centres and in establishments linked by agreement in application of article L. 6142-5, medical doctors or pharmacists, not qualified in medical biology and recruited in a mixed discipline, may, by decision of the Minister for Health and the Minister for Higher Education and Research, carry out the duties of medical biologist, after receiving the opinion of the committee referred to in article L. 6213-12, when they…
When the authorisation to practise or the declaration of provision of services is issued, the medical biologist must have the language skills required to carry out these functions and those relating to the systems of weights and measures used in France.
The following are determined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat: 1° The conditions of practice and professional rules ; 2° The conditions under which the person concerned is subject to a compensation measure.
For Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, a decree in the Conseil d’Etat shall lay down specific arrangements for the accreditation procedure, provided for in Article L. 6221-1, for medical biology laboratories, in compliance with quality requirements.
The medical biology laboratory is managed by a medical biologist known as the biologist-in-charge. The medical biologist benefits from the rules of professional independence recognised for doctors and pharmacists in the code of ethics applicable to them. The biologist in charge manages the laboratory in compliance with these rules.
When a public health establishment, or a private not-for-profit health establishment, has a medical biology laboratory organised in the form of an activity centre or a university hospital centre, the biologist in charge is the head of this centre and is responsible for its functions. The organisation of the laboratory is, depending on the case, either that of the activity centre or that of the university hospital centre. When a…
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