Article L6311-4 of the French Public Health Code
Article L. 6314-2 is applicable to self-employed doctors providing call regulation for the healthcare access service provided for in article L. 6311-3.
Article L. 6314-2 is applicable to self-employed doctors providing call regulation for the healthcare access service provided for in article L. 6311-3.
Any transport of a sick, injured or parturient person, for reasons of care or diagnosis, on medical prescription or in a medical emergency, using land, air or sea transport specially adapted for this purpose, constitutes medical transport. The transport of deceased persons, with a view to taking samples for therapeutic purposes, using land, air or sea transport specially adapted for this purpose, is considered to be medical transport from the…
Any person carrying out medical transport must first be approved by the Director General of the regional health agency. Reasons must be given if approval is refused.
The price legislation in force applies to medical transport tariffs. These are set by order of the ministers responsible for the budget, consumer affairs, the economy and finance, and social security. Failure to comply with these rates may result in the withdrawal of approval.
I. – In each département, the introduction into service by the persons mentioned in article L. 6312-2 of vehicles used for land medical transport, excluding vehicles used exclusively for transport as part of emergency medical assistance, is subject to authorisation from the Director General of the Regional Health Agency. No authorisation is issued if the number of vehicles already in service equals or exceeds a number set according to the…
The following are determined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat: -the conditions for approval of any person carrying out medical transport as provided for in article L. 6312-2 ; the conditions under which the theoretical number of vehicles referred to in article L. 6312-4 is set, as well as the conditions for issuing, transferring and withdrawing authorisations to put into service, in particular with regard to approval; – the categories…
The following is punishable by a fine of 8,000 euros: 1° Carrying out medical transport without approval or despite the withdrawal of approval ; 2° Putting or keeping in service a vehicle used for land medical transport without the authorisation provided for in article L. 6312-4. Natural persons guilty of the offence mentioned in the previous paragraph incur the additional penalty of being banned from performing medical transport for one…
The public service mission of permanence of care is carried out, in collaboration with health establishments, by the doctors mentioned inarticle L. 162-5 of the Social Security Code, as part of their self-employed activity, and in articles L. 162-5-10 and L. 162-32-1 of the same code, under the conditions defined in article L. 1435-5 of this code. Any other doctor who has retained a clinical practice is entitled to contribute…
The activity of a private doctor providing call regulation within an emergency medical service hosted by a public health establishment is covered by the administrative liability regime that applies to the employees of this public establishment. The same system applies where, with the express agreement of the public establishment in question, the private doctor regulates calls from his practice or home. Any clause in an agreement that is contrary to…
The procedures for applying Article L. 6314-1 are set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
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