Article L3121-28 of the French Labour Code
Any hour worked in excess of the legal weekly working time or the time considered to be equivalent is overtime and entitles the employee to additional pay or, where applicable, equivalent time off in lieu.
Any hour worked in excess of the legal weekly working time or the time considered to be equivalent is overtime and entitles the employee to additional pay or, where applicable, equivalent time off in lieu.
Overtime is calculated on a weekly basis.
Overtime may be worked up to an annual quota. Hours worked in excess of this annual quota give entitlement to compulsory time off in lieu. The hours taken into account for the calculation of the annual overtime quota are those worked in excess of the legal time limit. Overtime giving entitlement to the equivalent compensatory rest referred to in article L. 3121-28 and overtime worked in cases of urgent work…
In companies where the collective weekly working time is greater than the legal weekly working time, the monthly remuneration due to the employee may be calculated by multiplying the hourly remuneration by fifty-two twelfths of this weekly working time, taking into account the wage increases corresponding to the overtime hours worked.
A collective agreement at company or establishment level or, failing that, a branch agreement may fix a period of seven consecutive days constituting a week for the application of this chapter.
I.-A collective agreement at company or establishment level or, failing that, a branch agreement : 1° Specifies the rate or rates of increase for overtime worked in excess of the legal working week or the working week considered to be equivalent. This rate may not be less than 10% ; 2° Defines the annual quota provided for in Article L. 3121-30 ; 3° Determines all the conditions under which overtime…
In the seasonal branches of activity mentioned in Article L. 3132-7, a company or establishment agreement concluded in application of Article L. 1244-2 or, failing that, a branch agreement or a professional or interprofessional agreement may, under conditions determined by decree, derogate from the provisions of this section relating to the determination of reference periods for the calculation of overtime and compensatory rest. The convention or agreement also organises contradictory…
Unless otherwise stipulated in an agreement referred to in Article L. 3121-32, the working week begins at 00.00 on Monday and ends at 24.00 on Sunday.
In the absence of an agreement, overtime worked in excess of the legal weekly working hours set out in article L. 3121-27 or the working hours considered to be equivalent give rise to an increase in pay of 25% for each of the first eight hours of overtime. Subsequent hours are paid at a rate of 50%.
In companies where there is no trade union representative, the employer may replace all or part of the payment for overtime, as well as any additional pay, with an equivalent compensatory rest period, provided that the social and economic committee, if there is one, does not object. The employer may also adapt the conditions and procedures for allocating and taking the substitute compensatory rest to the company, after consulting the…
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